It’s hard to believe that the final week of the Soul Struck month long promotional tour is here. It seems like just yesterday I was preparing for the tour, creating the graphics, writing the content, and recording the videos, and now the tour is almost over. How is that possible?
I hope you’ve had as much fun as I have, and I hope you’ve enjoyed the content I’ve shared. If you missed any of the previous weeks’ contents you can find the stops for week 1 here, week 2 here, week 3 here, and week 4 here. You can go back and enter the giveaways at those sites if you haven’t done so already. 🙂
Thank you so much for joining me on this tour!
Here are the stops for the final week:
12/28 My Google+
12/29 My Facebook Page
12/30 Ab Fab Book Blog
12/31 Loving the Books