Please Remember Me Blog Tour–Stop #1: MM Good Book Reviews

Today, I begin the first leg of my Please Remember Me book tour over at MM Good Book Reviews. The good folks over there are hosting an author spotlight, where I share an excerpt from my book. Click here to be beamed on over to their site.

I’m hosting two different giveaways for this tour. I’ll be giving away a free e-copy of one of the books on my back list at every stop. At the end of the tour, I’ll be giving one lucky winner a $50 gift card to Amazon.

So stop on buy, read the excerpt, and enter to win. You’ll be glad you came! <3

Please Remember Me Blog Tour Dates

I can’t believe release day for Please Remember Me is here! YAY!!!!

It’s now available over at Dreamspinner Press and Amazon!

If that wasn’t awesome enough, I’m also here today to announce the Please Remember Me blog tour, which begins February 10th. I’m giving away a copy of an e-book from my backlist at every stop and at the end of the tour I’m giving away a $50 gift certificate to Amazon!

Please Remember Me Blog Tour Dates:

2/10/2015–MM Good Book Reviews

2/13/2015–Sinfully Addicted

2/17/2015–Smoocher’s Voice

2/18/2015–Lynley Wayne

2/23/2015–Fallen Angel Reviews

2/25/2015–Love Bytes

3/1/2015–TTC Books and More

3/4/2015–Christy Loves 2 Read

3/9/2015–Joyfully Jay

3/13/2015–Guys Like Romance Too

3/16/2015–It’s Raining Men

3/17/2015–Sizzling Hot Books

3/24/2015–Literary Nymphs

I hope to see you all there! <3

Please Remember Me Playlist Preview

As most of you know, I’m prepping for the release of Please Remember Me, my latest book from Dreamspinner. Part of that work requires writing blog posts for my upcoming blog tour (more on that in a future post), and one of the posts I’m writing involves creating a soundtrack for the book.

So today, I thought it would be fun to share one of the tracks from the playlist I created.

For me, this song is the perfect accompaniment to the first time Santi and Hank meet because the sexual attraction between them is instantaneous and scorching.

So, now that I’ve shared this track, what other songs do you think might have made it onto the playlist?

P.S. Don’t forget about the pre-order giveaway that’s still going strong. If you’re interested in entering, click here for the details and how to enter.


Happy New Year! My Writing Goals for 2015

It’s hard to believe 2015 is already here. At the beginning of 2014, I was starting on an entirely new personal life path, filled with equal amounts of anxiety and excitement. Even though I was unsure where the road would take me, I took those first tentative steps forward. And you know what? I’ve never been happier.

So after looking back at what I accomplished in 2014, my gaze is locked on the future and what I plan to achieve by this time next year.

Here are my writing goals for 2015.

Goal #1–Write at least 240,000 words

Now if you read my last post, you realize this is the same writing goal that I met last year. Some may think that I should increase my goal. Perhaps I should, but with my full time job and fatherly responsibilities, this word count is an achievable goal that does not over stress me.

That is important for any goal we set for ourselves. It must be reasonable. I could set a goal of a million words, but where exactly would that get me? There would be no way for me to achieve that milestone with my current life responsibilities, so I made a goal that is realistic in my world.

But how I will accomplish that will be a bit different this year. Here are my plans:

  • The majority of my year will be spent on my paranormal romance series, The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge. This is a seven book series, the first of which has already been accepted to be published this year by Dreamspinner. This series will follow the adventures of three powerful warlocks–Mason, Thad, and Warren Blackmoor. The brothers will alternate being the main characters of each book in the series, which will chronicle their paths toward love and the supernatural threats that threaten to destroy them, their family, and the men they love.
  • I am also contemplating a contemporary romance in between books 3 and 4 and 6 and 7 of the series. I feel this will be a good way to keep my feet in the contemporary world while still moving forward with the series.

What do you think of that idea?

Goal #2–Increase Social Media Presence on Goodreads

Right now, Facebook is a well-oiled machine for me, so I need to venture into another social media site that has a profound influence on authors. Goodreads does just that. Many readers/authors have good and bad things to say about Goodreads, but whatever the opinion, Goodreads is a powerful force, so rather than fight it, I’m going to roll up my sleeves and jump right on in.

  • I am a member of the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads. If you’re familiar with it, you know it’s a big group. So big that it is rather intimidating trying to figure out where to start or how just to interact. I plan on more actively involving myself with this group. How exactly? I’m not too terribly sure at the moment, but I figure posting more regularly and making myself more of a presence over there is a good place to start.
  • I’ll also post more on my author thread Dreamspinner set up for all the authors. Perhaps this will be the one-two punch I’ll need to make a better dent over at Goodreads.

If anyone has suggestions on how to achieve this goal, I’m open to hearing them.

Goal #3–Further Expand Audiobook Offerings and Break Into the Foreign Market

As I mentioned in a previous post, this isn’t a goal I can achieve on my own. In order to offer more books in audiobook format or break into the foreign market, each book has to hit a certain number of sales.

So how do we meet this goal then?

  • If you enjoyed Being True or any other of my books and would be interested in the novel being turned into an audiobook, then recommend that book to your friends. More sales means a better chance of meeting this goal.

Goal #4–Increase Activity on My Blog

For most of 2014, I didn’t do much more than self-promotion on my blog, and this has to change. I know that, so here is what I plan on doing:

  • Write at least one post a week
  • Vary types of posts beyond self-promotion
  • Increase cross promotion opportunities with other authors

So there are my writing goals for this year. Looking back at them, they don’t seem daunting, but they will take commitment and discipline to be able to meet them. What do you think about the goals? Is there anything I missed that you think I should also consider making a goal? And what are your goals for 2015?

I’d love to hear what you have to say.

My Writing Year in Review (2014)

As 2014 comes to an end, I found myself thinking about the goals I set for myself for this year, and I’d like to share what I’ve learned with all of you since my readers have been instrumental in helping me achieve my goals.

Goal #1–Write 240,000 Words

This was a goal I managed to meet and exceed in 2014.

Here is the breakdown:

  • When Love Gets Hairy. The third book in the Provincetown series, this novel came in at 78,000 words
  • When Love Comes to TownAt 78,000 words, this novel was the fourth and final book of the Provincetown Series
  • Being True. My first coming of age novel came it at 81,000 words.
  • Please Remember Me. A contemporary gay romance that will release February 6, 2015. It was complete at 85,000 words.
  • Spell Bound. This represents the first book of my new paranormal series titled The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge. It has been accepted for publication and will release later in 2015.
  • Blood Tied. Currently at 12,000 words, this novel is the second book of The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge series. This novel is my current WIP.

All together, I have written 397,000 words in 2014. Wow!

I can’t tell you how happy I am to see that number, especially when there are times when I doubt that I’m making any progress. After looking back, I realize I have, and that just feels amazing!

Goal #2–Increase Social Media Presence

This was another goal that was difficult because I had so many different social media sites–Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Tumblr, and Google+. It had become extremely overwhelming. So here is what I did to meet this goal:

  • I focused on Facebook. Instead of trying to take on all the social media options and do them poorly, I concentrated my efforts on one to make a difference. I created Jacob’s Junkies, a secret Facebook group, that allows fans to more intimately interact with me than in the regular FB feed. I share excerpts, giveaways, tours, and upcoming releases to my Junkies prior to releasing it anywhere else. Right now, I’m at almost 200 members, and we are still going strong. If you want to be a member, just click on the link above and ask to join. We’d be glad to have you.

Goal #3–Expand Into the Audiobook and Foreign Market

This is a goal that I could not meet on my own. Dreamspinner, my publisher, selects books for these markets based on sales. So though I set this as a goal, it wasn’t up to me to be able to meet it. Only readers like you could determine if I met this goal, and you know what? I did!

Thank you to all you wonderful readers who made it possible to meet this goal!

Goal #4–Actively Maintain My Blog

This is a goal that I, unfortunately, did not meet. 🙁

In fact, I have hardly kept up with my blog for this entire year. I could cite may reasons as to why I have neglected my blog, but they would only be excuses. Instead, I will definitely  rectify this in 2015.

Overall, after looking at this year in review, I think 2014 has been a success, and I’m extremely pleased with what I have accomplished. Still, I don’t plan to rest on my laurels in 2015. I’m  planning my goals for next year right now, which I will share with you all in a future post.

I hope you will join me. 🙂

So what were your goals for 2014? Did you achieve all you wanted to? What was your greatest accomplishment this year? I’d love to hear from you.

J.P. Barnaby Cover Reveal–A Heart for Robbie!

I’m so excited to have J.P. Barnaby here today, revealing the cover of her latest–a truly personal and heartwarming story. I have known J.P. for almost three years now, and I count myself lucky to have her as a friend. As a friend, I am aware of the heartbreaking tale of her daughter and how that story inspired her latest release, A Heart for Robbie. This story is definitely a must-buy and after reading the blurb and taking a gander at the cover, I’m sure you will agree!

A Heart for Robbie


Waiting for someone else’s child to die so yours can live is the worst kind of Hell.

Celebrated Young Adult author Julian Holmes pits the heroic characters in his Black Heart series against all different kinds of monsters. But when a critical heart defect threatens his son’s life, he finds he has no champion. No amount of books, classes, or practice can prepare Julian for the fight to save his beautiful son’s life.

Suddenly there are hospitals, transplant lists, and the nightmare of insurance red tape to navigate. In the midst of his trouble, Julian meets Simon Phelps, the insurance coordinator for Robbie’s case. Simon lives so deep in the closet he might never find his way out, but he dreams of exactly what Julian has. Then one night, drunken need and desperation brings them together, and a new fight begins.


When Love Comes to Town Blog Tour: Stop #7–The Novel Approach

The When Love Comes to Town blog tour is coming to the end of the line. How is that possible? I’ve been having so much fun that I just don’t want this tour to end! But let’s not think about that right now. Let’s talk about today’s stop.

I’m over at The Novel Approach today. I just love all the reviewers over there. They are some great people, and that Lisa, she’s just yummy and bite-sized to boot! What am I doing today at TNA? Well, I sit down for an interview with my characters from When Love Comes to Town. If you’re interested in reading the shenanigans, then click here and Scotty will beam you up and over to TNA.

Don’t forget to leave a comment. One lucky winner at each of my stops will win a free copy of my latest. I hope to see you all there. <3

When Love Comes to Town Blog Tour: Stops #5 & #6 Top2Bottom and Mama Kitty

It’s a busy day for the When Love Comes to Town tour today. I stop over for an interview at Top2Bottom and for a spotlight at Mama Kitty Reviews. If you’d like to be a part of the shenanigans then click here for Top2Bottom and here for Mama Kitty.

Don’t forget to leave a comment; one lucky winner at each stop will get a free copy of my latest. 🙂

When Love Comes to Town Blog Tour: Stop #4–It’s Raining Men

It’s hard to believe the When Love Comes to Town blog tour is at the half way mark. Time sure does fly when you’re having a blast, and that’s just what I had over at It’s Raining Men, which is the next stop on my tour.

Since my latest book is a part of the Provincetown Series, I blog today about my favorite places in Provincetown, which also show up in the series. So if you’ve wanted to learn more about the various locales in the books, then click here and a thunderstorm of hot men will blow you over to where you need to be.

Don’t forget about the giveaway; I’m giving out a free copy of When Love Comes to Town to one lucky winner at each stop. I hope to see you all there!

When Love Comes to Town Blog Tour: Stop #3–Sid Love

The When Love Comes to Town tour has stopped today at Sid Love, the fantastic blog with some truly great folks. They’ve always been super nice to me, and I just love them to pieces.

So what am I doing at Sid Love besides drinking all their alcohol? Well, I sat down with the gorgeous Dani for an interview. We talk about the Provincetown Series, what’s up and coming, and which character in the series is most like me. If you want to read the interview, click here and Sid Love has promised to send over a limo to take all you fine readers over to his place.

The giveaway is still going on, so don’t forget to enter! See you all at Sid’s. We’re playing naked Twister and drinking margaritas. WHOOHOO!