Jacob Z. Flores Reading from When Love Takes Over VIDEO

It’s hard to believe that Chasing the Sun, the second book from the Provincetown Series releases next week. But it’s true! It’s almost here, and I’ll be doing something special on my blog next week in preparation for the big release on Wednesday, October 16.

Today, though, I thought I’d share some reading excepts from the first book When Love Takes Over. Some of you may have already seen these from my Dreamspinner Facebook chat, but for those of you that missed them, you’ll find them after the blurb.

The Latest


Zach Kelly’s life is a shambles. His boyfriend of three years dumped him, and his writing career is going nowhere. On a whim, he heads to Provincetown, Massachusetts, to nurse his broken heart and figure out his next step. He’s expecting to find rest and relaxation on the sandy beaches of Cape Cod. Instead, Zach meets a hunky porn star during a chance encounter at a leather shop he mistakes as a place to buy a belt that is definitely not for whipping.

Van Pierce is smitten when shy and inexperienced Zach crashes through a shelf of fetish gear. Though Van’s got an insatiable appetite for men on and off the set, his porn persona, Hart Throb, hides a broken heart. He’s struggling to find the reality the porno set doesn’t offer, and Zach is fighting to find the fantasy that will set his writing on fire. The odd goofball and the suave beefcake may either find love amid Provincetown’s colorful pageantry where summer never seems to end—or more heartbreak than either can imagine.

A Little Fall Fun with Jacob Z. Flores on Gay Sex Cast

I was so honored when Dean asked me to be a guest on his show called Gay Sex Cast, which is a podcast/Internet radio show that interviews gay fiction authors as well as gay porn models. Naturally, I said yes, and why not? I LOVE talking about gay sex. And gay porn models? Well, yum!

But then, the nerves set in. What was I going to say? How much of an ass was I going to make of myself? And why did I agree to do this?

I’m not used to synchronous interviews. I’m used to blog tours, where I have a chance to think about questions before answering them. How was I going to do this? Luckily, Dean helped be feel better about the interview, so I pulled on my big boy undies and dove right in.

We chatted about parties, romance/erotica, Provincetown, and my Provincetown Series. I have to admit: I had a lot of fun. Hopefully, you all think so too. Dean was a gracious host, and his two co-hosts, Benny Morecock from CockyBoy Studios and Jamie Sanders, a Helix exclusive model, were great guys to get to know.

If you are interested in hearing the interview, click here. Let me know what you guys think.

For those who don’t know, Gay Sex Cast in a podcast/Internet radio show that interviews gay fiction authors as well as gay porn models.

Character Interview with Tom Martinez of Chasing the Sun

Today, I conclude my interview of the two main characters from my upcoming release, Chasing the Sun, which is the second book of The Provincetown Series. If you missed my interview with Gil Kelly, click here.

Chasing the Sun

Today, I’ll be interviewing Tom Martinez, who is a thirty-year old restauranteur, who is returning to his home town of Victoria, Texas.

Tom Martinez

Tom Martinez

Tom, thank you for stopping by. I know you’re an extremely busy man these days.

Tom: That’s putting it mildly. But when I got your call, I was intrigued. So I just had to come. Besides, any publicity is good publicity. Especially since I’m trying to grow my parents’ restaurant into what I’ve always seen it to be.

What’s the name of the restaurant?

Tom: Tequila Sunrise. Not very original I know. But it’s been a pretty popular Mexican food restaurant here in Victoria for years. Lots of locals know about it so I can’t change it’s name now. Even though I’d love to.

So if your parents’ restaurant has been so popular over the years, why do you want to change things up so badly? I assume it’s been doing pretty good business. It’s been open for how long?

Its doors opened in 1994 so almost twenty years now. And I can’t deny that it’s done a steady business, but the customers who typically frequent the restaurant are aging. I’ve got to find a way to appeal to a younger demographic. It’s not because I have anything against the older generation. I think they’re great. Believe me! But in order for the restaurant to survive, I need to attract a new generation of customer. Otherwise, my parents’ legacy won’t last, and that’s something I’m intent on achieving.

You seem like an extremely motivated man. Have you always been that way?

Tom: (laughing) All of my life. I don’t know if I’ve ever acted like a child. Even when I was one. I’m not saying I had an awful childhood or anything. My parents were awesome. I really lucked out there. And I had tons of friends so I wasn’t some lonely kid eating lunch by himself all the time. To be honest, I’ve been blessed. But I’ve always known who I was and what I wanted out of life. I guess having that clear sense of direction for as long as I can remember has helped motivate me. It’s kept me focused.

And what is it that you want out of life? What has been your motivation for all these years?

Tom: Well, this is gonna sound really sappy, but I swear it’s true. I’ve only ever wanted to be true to myself.

What do you mean by that? Were you ever not true to yourself?

Tom: I’ve always been true to myself. You see, I’ve known from a very young age that I was gay. I heard the way kids at school called each other “queer” or “fag,” so I knew liking boys was not something others readily accepted. Not even some people in my extended family. It’s hard realizing you’re gay when friends, family, and the media tells you it’s wrong. But I never believed any of that crap. I was who I was. No one was going to change my thinking on that or make me doubt myself. I was simply me, and that wasn’t wrong.

Wow! That’s quite an adult approach for a child. I won’t lie but I’m a bit floored. There are some grown men who don’t possess that level of confidence or self-esteem. And you’ve had both since you were a kid!

Tom: I know, and I find it quite sad that most people don’t love themselves enough to believe the same things about themselves. We get so caught up with being just like everyone else. And that’s just a recipe for disaster. We can’t live for what our neighbors think is right or wrong. As long as we’re not hurting someone else, it’s really nobody else’s business.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Tom: Sorry. I tend to get on my soapbox. Sometimes you’ve just got to shut me up.

Don’t apologize. This is something you obviously feel strongly about. But I did want to ask: who was the first person you came out to as a child?

Tom: My best friend Zach.

And how did Zach take it?

Tom: Quite well actually. He was a bit stunned, but it wasn’t the fact that I was gay that freaked him out. It was that I was so okay with it. Zach’s always had these personal demons he’d been battling. His family life wasn’t great, and he had a hard time getting along with his father. So I think it threw him to learn that I was okay with who I was. Even though it might cause me problems. Zach wasn’t that way at all. He believed he had to be what everyone else wanted him to be. I tried to help him, but I couldn’t change Zach. I could only be there for him when he needed me. That was really all I could do.

Are the two of you still friends?

Tom: Yes. We’re not as close as we used to be. He’s moved to Dallas and a lot has been going on in his life recently. So he just hasn’t had the time to reach out to anyone. But I’ll be here for him when he needs it, and I’ll always will.

I have to say: you sound too good to be true. Not only are you a fine-looking man, but your confident without being cocky. You’re motivated in life. You have a good head on your shoulders and a kind heart. You are quite possibly what others might describe as the “perfect” man.

Tom: Ha! I’m far from perfect.

How so?

Tom: Well, for starters. I’m pushy and opinionated. That’s been problematic in some past relationships. Although most guys think they want a man to stand up for himself, they really don’t. Most men prefer to get their way and have the final say. I’m not saying I have to have things my way all the time, but is compromise such a bad thing? For some of my ex-boyfriends, it has been. It was either their way or the highway. Which is why I’m single.

Are you really? I find that hard to believe.

Tom: It’s true. I’m single, but I’m hoping not to be for much longer.

Now, you’ve piqued my interest. Who has caught your eye? Tell us about him.

Tom: (shaking his head) Sorry. That’s not gonna happen.

Why not?

Tom: Because I don’t know if it will ever happen.

That sounds rather ominous and self-defeating. Especially for such a confident man as yourself.

Tom: I may be confident, but I’m also a realist. It keeps me grounded and my head out of the clouds.

What’s wrong with flying through the sky in search of a dream that others might call impossible?

Tom: Just ask Icarus. He wanted to fly, so he made wings out of wax. Unfortunately, he flew too close to the sun. Impossible dreams are sometimes just that. Impossible.

Well, Tom, I truly believe that nothing is impossible. With your drive and motivation, you’ll find some way to soar into the sky and kiss the sun. Thank you again for stopping by and chatting with me.

Character Interview with Gil Kelly of Chasing the Sun

On October 16th, the second book of The Provincetown Series Chasing the Sun releases from Dreamspinner Press. I can’t tell you how excited I am! Writing this series has been a labor of pure, unadulterated love, and I’ve been pleased by the reception the first book of the series When Love Takes Over has received. I’m glad to know that the characters and Provincetown have resonated as much with the readers as they have for me.

Even though Chasing the Sun is part of The Provincetown Series, however, it is a spin-off of When Love Takes Over. This means that for this book (and this book only) we leave Provincetown and the kooky characters we’ve come to love like Nino, Gary, Penny Poison, Quinn, and Tara and head back to Zach Kelly’s hometown of Victoria, Texas.

Why are we leaving Provincetown in a series titled The Provincetown Series?

Good question!

We’re leaving P-town because I just had to tell the story of Zach’s father. Those of you who’ve read When Love Takes Over already know that Zach and his dad have a complicated history. Chasing the Sun fills in the gaps readers might have had regarding their relationship, and we get to see the man Gil Kelly really is and not just what his son perceives him to be.

So to celebrate the upcoming release of Chasing the Sun, I’m going to be sitting down with the main characters from the novella spin off.

But before we get started, here’s the book’s blurb to give you a bit of a background:

As a physician and prominent citizen of Victoria, Texas, Dr. Gil Kelly took a hard fall when his vengeful wife revealed his infidelity with other men. Closing ranks around her, the town’s elite ostracized him, and his relationship with his children was nearly destroyed.

After spending his life focused on living for others, he has no idea how to live for himself. He wants to find love but now settles for anonymous sex that only further clouds his world with shame and guilt. Gil believes finding true love is an unobtainable dream, what his father used to call “chasing the sun.”

Then he runs into Tom Martinez, his son’s childhood best friend, who returned to town a grown man and offers everything Gil needs. But Gil hesitates to fall into Tom’s arms, because after his high-profile divorce, the potential scandal of loving a younger man could separate him from his children permanently.

Spin off of When Love Takes Over (1st Provincetown Series book)

ChasingtheSunORIGSo first up on my interview couch is none other than Gil Kelly, a fifty-something physician from Victoria, Texas.

Gil Kelly

Gil Kelly

Gil, I want to thank you so much for taking time out of your busy call schedule at the hospital to sit down and answer a few questions.

Gil: Not a problem at all. I was actually quite flattered that you were interested in interviewing me for your Internet show. What is it you call it again?

It’s “From Gay to Z.” And though I wish it were a show, it’s not. It’s a blog. But how fabulous would it be if I got my own show? I see myself on Bravo. Or ABC. I would love to be related to Sofia Vergara’s character on Modern Family.

Gil: (laughing) Who wouldn’t? She’s a beautiful woman. I’d love to be on that show too, but with my luck, I’d get cast as Ed O’Neill’s older brother.

Oh, please, you’re not old enough for such a typecast, and you know it.

Gil: (grinning) I know no such thing! Do you not see my silver hair? I’m old, and that’s okay. I embrace my age. There’s no reason not to.

Well, it’s my personal opinion that older and distinguished men are quite attractive. And the silver hair, well, excuse me for growling at you, but I find it extremely sexy. I think a lot of my readers will too. And we should all embrace our age. We are only as old as we feel.

Gil: Well, sometimes when I wake up, I feel every year that I’ve lived in my bones.

Let me ask you a question about that: do you think you are sometimes so bone weary because of your age or because of the great emotional stress you’ve been under the past five years?

Gil: Wow. You don’t pull punches do you?

I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be rude, but I am curious. You’ve undergone a rather messy, high-profile divorce. That had to be hard on you.

Gil: (sighing) It’s been awful. Donna, that’s my ex-wife by the way, has made it her mission to make my life a living hell since our divorce. People who I thought were my friends went over to her camp. I’ve become a social pariah. And in a town of only 60,000 that makes for some pretty lonely days and nights. But I guess that’s the price I paid for pretending to be someone I wasn’t.

You mean pretending to be straight.

Gil: Yes. Back when I was growing up, being gay just wasn’t an option. You were expected to find a gal, get married, and produce as many children as possible. At least that’s what my parents wanted. Especially my dad. He was pretty hard on me. Not wanting me to hope for things I couldn’t have. Definitely more of a pragmatist while I was always more of a dreamer. He didn’t support my decision to go to college or medical school. He thought I was trying to be more than I was destined to be.

What were you destined to be?

Gil: Well, according to my dad, a working class man just like him. He didn’t believe in higher education. He put faith in his strong back. A man was a man if he got dirty and worked hard. He didn’t understand that I didn’t want that for myself. That I had a passion for medicine. He said that my dreams were like “chasing the sun.” I was after the impossible and I would never catch it.

But you did. You became a doctor even though your dad didn’t support you.

Gil: I did. And by chasing my dreams, I alienated myself from him. He said he didn’t know me anymore now that I had an education. He claimed I was somebody new. Someone he didn’t recognize.

That’s sad.

Gil: (nodding) It is. But now that I’m older and a bit wiser, I think he was worried that I’d think less of him. As if I’d see him as a worthless worker bee like so many others had seen him as. I only wished I had realized that before he passed away.

So you always had a difficult relationship with your father. Were things better between you and your children?

Gil: You would think it would be, wouldn’t you? But no. Things weren’t better for me and my kids. My daughter Sami and I were close, but that was more because her mother basically neglected her in favor of our son Zach. I tried my best to make up for that with Sami, but I never felt as if I was enough. As for Zach, well, I think Kelly males are destined to forever be at odds. No matter how I tried to reach out to Zach as a child, he resented me. Nothing I did ever seemed to be right. And truthfully, I can’t say that I blame him. I was hard on him. I wanted him to be whatever he wanted, but I think my desire to have him chase whatever sun he wanted ended up with him resenting me for pushing so hard.

What about after the divorce? Did things get worse?

Gil: Boy, did they ever! After Donna got her revenge by exposing my secret, my children were destroyed. Our relationships, which were already tenuous, dissolved almost completely. I haven’t spoken to Zach in years, and Sami, well, she tries, but I can tell her heart isn’t into it. I don’t think she will ever be able to forgive me.

And Zach? Do you think he will forgive you?

Gil: Never. Not even in a million years.

I’ve got to be honest, Gil. Your life sounds like a mess. And not even a hot mess, which can be fun. You’ve lost your family and your friends. And you intimated that you basically live as a hermit. Is that correct?

Gil: Sad but true.

Do you plan on being alone forever? Is there no light at the end of your tunnel? No sun for you to try to catch?

Gil: To be quite honest, I think the sun has set for me, Jacob. At least in terms of a normal life. Maybe one day I’ll see the light again, but I think I’ve consigned myself to the darkness. It’s not like I’m lonely all the time. Thanks to the wonders of technology, there are hookup apps and websites for men like me who are unable to sustain relationships. I might not ever find love again, but when I need it, I can at least be consoled by a stranger’s touch. While it lasts at least.

I’m sorry you’re having such a tough time. I truly am. But somehow, I don’t think you’ll live in the dark forever. The sun may sometimes set, but it always rises again. Somehow. Some way. I guarantee it.

Well, Gil, that’s all the time we have today. Thank you again for stopping by and sharing a bit of yourself with me and my readers.

Guest Appearance on Brynn Stein’s Blog

I’m over at Brynn Stein’s blog today. She graciously allowed me to be a guest, and I couldn’t have been happier. Brynn sure knows how to make a fellow feel welcome with all that alcohol and naked man flesh. Naturally, I will return posthaste!

So what did I talk about over at Brynn’s? Well, she interviewed me about my latest release When Love Takes Over and I also share a snippet of my WIP, the final book of The Provincetown Series, When Love Comes to Town

If you’re interested in the interview and/or the excerpt, click here and head on over to Brynn’s blog.

Let’s Start Chasing the Sun

Now, that the When Love Takes Over blog tour is officially over, I figured it would be a perfect time to talk about the next book in The Provincetown Series, Chasing the Sun.

Chasing the Sun is a novella spin-off of When Love Takes Over.

What does that mean?

Well, in the case of Chasing the Sun, it means two things. The first is that this book will take us out of Provincetown and deposit us back in Zach Kelly’s home town of Victoria, Texas. So while the book is still in the same “world” as the first book, we have spun off from the original location of the series.

It also means that we leave behind most of the characters from When Love Takes Over and focus on a different cast for the novella.

Don’t fret though; our favorite MC’s from WLTO just might make an appearance or two in Chasing the Sun.

Just who will be the MC’s for Chasing the Sun?

Good question. Zach’s dad, Gil Kelly, will be one of the main characters. Zach’s best friend Tom Martinez will be the other.

If you’re wondering what will be going on in the book, well, here’s the official Dreamspinner blurb:

As a physician and prominent citizen of Victoria, Texas, Dr. Gil Kelly took a hard fall when his vengeful wife revealed his infidelity with other men. Closing ranks around her, the town’s elite ostracized him, and his relationship with his children was nearly destroyed.

After spending his life focused on living for others, he has no idea how to live for himself. He wants to find love but now settles for anonymous sex that only further clouds his world with shame and guilt. Gil believes finding true love is an unobtainable dream, what his father used to call “chasing the sun.”

Then he runs into Tom Martinez, his son’s childhood best friend, who returned to town a grown man and offers everything Gil needs. But Gil hesitates to fall into Tom’s arms, because after his high-profile divorce, the potential scandal of loving a younger man could separate him from his children permanently.

Spin off of When Love Takes Over (1st Provincetown Series book)

I hope you thought the blurb was as intriguing as I did. The folks over at DSP did a fabulous job. As always!

What else can be shared about Chasing the Sun?

Well, the novella will be releasing in October/November. Since I’ve already completed the second round of edits, I think it will most likely be released in October. However, don’t quote me on that. That’s just a guess on my part.

I will be offering up more information about Chasing the Sun as weeks progress. But there is one final thing I wanted to reveal here that I have yet to reveal anywhere else–the cover!

Chasing the Sun

It’s just amazing, isn’t it? The cover was created by Michael Breyette who also did the cover for When Love Takes Over. In fact, as I’ve mentioned before, Breyette’s work will grace the covers of all books in the series. I couldn’t be happier!

Well, that’s all I have to share with you for today. I hope you enjoyed this little sneak peek at the next book in the series. Keep your eyes peeled for more in the upcoming weeks!

When Love Takes Over Blog Tour: The Final Stop–Close Encounters of the Night Kind

Well, sadly, this is the final stop on my When Love Takes Over blog tour. I’ve had great fun traipsing all over the Internet, and I appreciate everyone who’s skipped along with me. It’s been fun, right? Of course it has! Who doesn’t love to skip?

I close out my tour with an interview over at Close Encounters of the Night Kind, and I have to tell you, I had a blast. I got to visit the dungeon, and, well, have a little me time while I was there. It was very relaxing. 😉

If you want to see what happened, click here and a leather clad Dom will appear. He’ll attach a leash to your neck and drag your naughty ass over to the dungeon. You’ll be able to read the interview, but after that, you’re all his. As if you’d have it any other way!

And this is the final opportunity to be entered to win a copy of When Love Takes Over. Leave a comment and you’re entered to win. Simple as that. If you want to increase your odds, then backtrack through the tour and leave comments at the other stops. That will increase your chances of winning. Who doesn’t like that?

When Love Takes Over Blog Tour: Stop #10–Top2Bottom

It’s hard to believe that today is my penultimate stop on my When Love Takes Over blog tour. How did that happen? It seems like just yesterday I was gearing up for the tour and now it’s almost over. How sad. 🙁

Thankfully, I’m at Top2Bottom today, which always makes me happy. Yay! I just love those guys and gals. They have always been very kind to me since I first broke out onto the m/m scene, so it’s always nice to return.

What am I talking about at Top2Bottom today? Well, during my interview, I discuss some of my favorite characters, how I plot, and other fun tidbits. If you’re interested in stopping by, click here and your favorite top or bottom will magically appear. He will ride you (or you’ll ride him) all the way over to the interview. How fun, right?

Don’t forget about the giveaway. It’s still going strong. If you leave a comment, you’ll be entered to win a free copy of When Love Takes Over. I hope to see you there! 🙂

When Love Takes Over Blog Tour: Stop #9–Romance Lives Forever

I’m over at Romance Lives Forever today for my When Love Takes Over blog tour. I never had the privilege of being a guest over at RLF, and I jumped at the chance when the offer was extended.

And I brought along a special guest with me to RLF–Zach Kelly, one of the main characters from When Love Takes Over. Zach was interviewed by the RLF crew, and though he was a bit nervous, I thought he did a fabulous job. Especially since some of those questions were tough!

If you’re interested in learning more about Zach, the shy and inexperienced author from When Love Takes Over, then click here, and you’ll be swooshed on over to the interview.

Also, don’t forget to leave a comment. You’ll be entered to win a free copy of WLTO.

When Love Takes Over Blog Tour: Stop #8 Joyfully Jay

I was super excited to continue my When Love Takes Over blog tour this week over at Joyfully Jay. Today’s post is an extra special stop though. Not only is Joyfully Jay part of my blog tour, but I’m also over at Joyfully Jay as part of the Joyful Approach, which is designed to introduce authors to readers who will be attending Gay Romance Lit in Atlanta this year.

Naturally, I had a blast with Jay. Who doesn’t? She’s just so kind, and she completely overlooks the fact that I keep stealing her sexy manservants. I just love her for that!

So what did I chat about with Jay? Well, I talked about the stunning cover for When Love Takes Over. I gush about the artwork and also explain just why I chose the particular piece of art I did for this book. It’s a good story and involved outdoor sex. So if that’s got your interest, click here, and Jay’s former manservant will come by, swoop you in his muscled arms, and carry you over to Jay.

And while you’re at Jay’s, leave a comment to be entered to win a free copy of When Love Takes Over. The giveaway is still going on, and if you’ve missed any of the other stops, you can backtrack and leave comments over there too. It increases your chances of winning, so get to commenting!