Assault Charges Dropped Against Sequoyah HS Principal

Charged against Sequoyah HS principal Maurice Moser in Tennessee have been dropped, as reported in Queerty.

You may remember my previous post about Moser, who assaulted a student for wearing a shirt in support of starting a GSA on his high school campus. Click here to read the post.

The presiding judge dismissed the case, and as of now, justification for why the case was dismissed has not been released. According to local affiliate WBIR, “An assault charge had also been filed against the student, but it was dropped when Moser agreed not to prosecute.”

I don’t know about you, but I smell a rat (or at least some behind closed doors deals). There were witnesses, relatives of the student and another teacher, who observed Moser’s behavior, yet the charges have been dropped and a threatened counter-suit by the principal against the student has also gone away.

Even though the students at Sequoyah HS have won the right to wear GSA shirts (which I posted about here), this doesn’t feel like a victory to me. I hope the ACLU is still watching this case.


Win a Signed Copy of Moral Authority

Thank you for coming and for being interested in winning a signed copy of Moral Authority.

I thought I would use this time to tell you how my idea for this novel came about. I asked myself what could happen in our country if the “moral majority,” namely the radical Christian right wing extremists received everything they voted and lobbied for? What would happen if our country began legislating morality and lifestyles for every American based on the definitions of a select group? After all, that’s what groups like the National Organization for Marriage, the American Family Association, and the Family Research Council (to name a few) want. Even politicians like Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, and Sarah Palin (again, just to name a few) vie to dictate their religion and their ideals on the nation, rather than letting the nation celebrate the diversity of her citizens.

When I started creating this future America, our land of freedom and the citizens who lived within changed dramatically. A pursuit of happiness was no longer the promise. Instead, citizens fled in fear. Amber waves of grain and purple mountains majesty dissolved. In their place, the landscape turned dark and menacing, a veritable hell on Earth, created by the politicians and the citizens who voted them into office.

As a result, what was once familiar turned foreign. Locales such as Provincetown, Massachusetts, and Austin and San Antonio, Texas (where the novel takes place) became warped versions of their present day settings. The prescribed ideals of a few cast a cold shadow across the land. Yet hidden underneath the pall of injustice and inequality flashes a glimmer of hope that a return to the true America, an America that is truly representative of all who dwell upon her soil, might lie upon the horizon.

Moral Authority is the first in a series of three books. The second book tentatively titled Moral Panacea will hopefully follow in the months to come. But for now, here is an excerpt from Moral Authority that provides a snippet of what this new America is like.

The Excerpt:

“Alright, you pansy ass butthole fuckers, it’s time to get going!”

The angry voice of the K3 officer screaming at them in the boat hold roused Mark from his tentative slumber. He couldn’t remember falling asleep, but he often drifted off when he escaped inside his own mind.

The K3 officer flipped on the lights in the boat hold for the first time since he shut them off four days ago. Mark tried to shield his eyes from the brightness, but the shackles and chains around his wrist prevented much freedom in arm movement. All he could manage was to squint and hope his eyesight recovered quickly.

“Hurry up and get on your God damn feet,” the K3 shouted while yanking one of the prisoners to his feet. Since no one had the chance to stand for four days, the prisoner crumpled to the ground, his legs numb from sitting in one position too long. The officer proceeded to kick the prisoner repeatedly. The man screamed for help as his body was mercilessly assaulted by the K3 who Mark now referred to as Officer Asshole.

“Stop it! You’re going to kill him,” shouted someone from up front. Immediately, Mark knew that to be a mistake.

“What the fuck did you just say?” Officer Asshole asked, while kicking the man on the floor one final time. Mark heard a snap on that final kick, no doubt a rib or two being broken.

Unfortunately, Mark’s eyes adjusted well enough now for him to see Officer Asshole pull out his side arm and fire it pointblank at the outspoken prisoner. The ringing peal of the shot blasted through the boat hold, and the noise frightened Mark. Most law officials now carried electrical weapons in order to subdue offenders without serious bodily harm. When discharged, those guns sizzled, not exploded like this one. Lead ammunition guns hadn’t been in use for decades. Apparently, at detainment camps, they were standard issue.

Mark averted his eyes as the man’s lifeless body fell to the floor, where Officer Asshole kicked it twice. Afterward, Officer Asshole looked around. “Does anyone else have something to say about me kicking the shit out of this butt fucker?”

No one responded. Even the man who sobbed for most of the boat trip remained silent.

Officer Asshole resumed kicking the man he lifted from his seat. The man no longer screamed but moaned in pain; his moans were interrupted by the wet sound of gurgling blood escaping his lips. Still, Officer Asshole attacked. The man’s anguished moans became too much for Mark to bear. He tried to block out the whimpers with his hands, but the chains restrained him.

Blow after blow filled the boat hold, and the interior walls of the boat amplified the beating until it sounded like a percussionist banging out a macabre beat in some nightmarish band.

Finally, the moans stopped. The man was most likely dead, but his death failed to deter Officer Asshole. He kicked the man, at least ten more times.

“That was fucking fun,” Officer Asshole said in delight. “Who’s next?”

The officer’s delight filled Mark with rage. More than anything else, even more than being free of this hellish place, Mark wanted Officer Asshole to die.

“That’s enough, Davies,” a voice from behind Officer Asshole commanded. “Bring them above deck. Now.”

“Yes, sir!” Officer Asshole returned his gaze to the prisoners. His smirk foretold even more hell to follow. “Alright, you fairies, let’s get those loose asses of yours up those stairs and off the boat for inspection.” Officer Asshole bent down and unlocked the chains of the two men he killed. Their torment was over while Mark’s, and the other hundred or so prisoners, had just begun. Officer Asshole then pushed another man toward the stairs leading up to the deck. The procession out began.

As they filed out, Mark looked around at his fellow prisoners all dressed in bright orange jumpsuits. Some were soiled by their own body excrement, which they sat in for the past four days. Even though Mark had to go, he fought the urge. He would be damned if he gave his jailors the opportunity to mock him for a simple human bodily function.

Most of the prisoners looked awful and defeated. Eyes wide in terror, they shuffled forward carefully since everyone’s ankles were also chained together. Dried snot caked some of their faces. Others showed no emotion, as if they detached themselves from this world, their bodies merely on autopilot.

Mark didn’t feel defeated or detached. He was terrified, but he was mostly furious. No human being deserved to be treated as they were being treated. Every fiber of his being knew this to be wrong.

How could anyone, much less the supposed moral majority of this country, think this was just or moral?

“Pay attention, man. Our line is moving,” the man behind him whispered while nudging Mark forward. The men in front of him shuffled forward. His lack of attention might have upset the line when his chain linking him to the man before him pulled taut. The man in front of him could have stumbled or fallen backwards, unbalanced, which likely would have resulted in a beating, or worse, for them both.

“Thanks,” Mark whispered back and shuffled forward.

As he made his way closer to the stairs leading up, the sunlight at the top shone brightly down on him; its warmth felt good on his skin. He closed his eyes briefly, freely giving himself to its embrace. The sun told him everything would be all right, that he would be watched and cared for. Mark found this soothing. He listened to the roll of the waves as they gently rocked the boat against the dock, and it lulled him into a tentative peace. Even the sea breeze that rushed down to him, carrying the smell of salt and sea life, filled him with renewed vigor.

Mark climbed the stairs toward the sun, exiting the darkness of the boat hold.

On deck, he looked around at Provincetown harbor. Boat slips surrounded the area, but there were no boats. At one time, Provincetown was home to many boats, both commercial and private. Now, the only boat was the one he currently stood on. No doubt all other water transportation was forbidden since Provincetown had been turned into a detainment camp. Forced by K3’s, citizens and businesses relocated off the cape.

The line of men in orange jumpsuits extended all the way down the pier, toward a New England styled building with white trim and a grey roof. No doubt the building was once a visitor’s center or some official site for Provincetown tourism. Now, it was where the processing of prisoners occurred. It even had K3 guards standing sentinel along the white ramps, their weapons drawn and their muscles tense, anxiously awaiting the opportunity to shoot someone.

He focused his attention instead on the cool sea breeze that continued to swirl around him, whispering to him that he wasn’t alone. Mark then stepped off the metal plank used for disembarkation and onto the wooden slats of the pier. As he walked forward, Mark imagined what Provincetown might have been like a generation or two ago.

Mark pictured the excitement his gay brothers in the past must have felt when exiting the ferries that used to shuttle them back and forth from Boston. When their feet touched these same wooden slats he now walked across in chains, they no doubt felt liberated from their daily selves. He imagined their excitement, as opposed to his dread, about their arrival. Instead of being detained like Mark, they had arrived at a destination where they were the most free, where they could be who they truly were and express that without hesitation or fear of reprisal.

He clearly saw them in the past, walking hand-in-hand as they hurried to join the rest of their kin at the local bars or shops. Each person they encountered was a potential new lover or friend. In the past, there were no limits here, no boundaries, like the rows of chain linked and barbed wire fences that extended for as far as the eye could see along the beach in both directions. Provincetown was whatever they wanted it to be. It could be filled with dancing and debauchery, shopping and sight seeing, or relaxing and lounging, or it could be all those things.

In fact, if he listened hard enough, he still heard the thumping bass beat of a long ago silenced speaker churning out the dance music to which the boys used to love to dance. The music drifted on the air currents, refusing to die and challenging the present to ever erase that part of this town’s past. The vibe was in the air. It was the essence of what Provincetown was and what it promised to be again. He felt it. This was no doubt what he sensed while climbing out of the boat hold. It was the spirit of Provincetown and the ghosts of his gay brothers from the past. They were here, they told him. They wouldn’t be chased away.

The Blurb:

In the year 2050, America has changed. Profoundly. Homosexuality is a crime, cursing in public is a punishable offense, and lifestyle legislation keeps American citizens on a prescribed moral path. The country lives in a Moral Age, all thanks to The Moral Authority, the nation’s fourth branch of government, which has held dominion for the past thirty-five years. Yet the Moral Age comes at a price. Americans either live like mindless cattle or in fear. Told from three points of view, Mark, the brash young hero, who finds true love in the most desolate of places; Isaac, the renegade, who searches for redemption, and Samuel the dictatorial megalomaniac intent on maintaining his power, Moral Authority exposes what happens to a nation that continues to restrict, instead of broadening, civil rights.

The Contest Rules:

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  1. Become a fan of my Facebook author page and Moral Authority page (one entry each for being a fan of these pages; if you’re already a fan, that counts too. Just mention it.)
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  6. The winner has 48 hours upon notification to respond, or I will draw a new winner.

Contest closes December 18, 2011 at midnight Central Time

Good luck and thanks in advance for playing.

District Judges Likely to Rule Against Prop 8 Proponents

The Ninth US District Court of Appeals is currently hearing arguments by Proposition 8 proponents in California. They claim that retired US District Judge Vaughn Walker, who helped strike down California’s Proposition 8, should have recused himself since he is a homosexual.

ThinkProgress reports that “Proponents of the measure [seek] to convince the rather skeptical three-judge panel that Walker was ‘in the same kind of relationship as the plaintiffs’ and was unfit to rule on the question of whether gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry because he himself may one day wish to wed his partner.”

Apparently, the three judges hearing the case are not buying the argument. One judge, R. Randy Smith, asked Charles Cooper, counsel for the proponents of Prop 8, whether or not “a married judge could ever be allowed to hear a case about divorce?”

Political analyst Ian Millhiser had this to say about the argument being used by the legal counsel in favor of Prop 8:

“if a court were to accept the anti-gay group’s arguments, it would also follow that no judge who is presently in a committed opposite-sex relationship would be allowed to hear this case either. The name of the organization defending Prop 8 is ‘Protect Marriage,’ a name that derives from their bizarre belief that same-sex marriages are destructive to opposite-sex marriages. But if this were true, than straight judges would have a personal stake in ensuring that their own marriages are not undermined by a decision striking down Prop 8 — and thus would also be required to recuse.”

This would mean than only single judges who had no interest in marriage whatsoever would be allowed to hear this case. Obviously, this line of thinking is absurd and hopefully shows that these judges will hand down a decision in favor of Judge Walker’s previous ruling.

Video Response to Perry’s Anti-Gay Ad

Yesterday, I posted about Rick Perry’s new anti-gay, anti-Obama, and pro-school prayer ad that began airing in Iowa. Click here to read that post.

Today, a new video has been released by the Second City Network on YouTube. In it, a godless heathen makes some interesting claims about Perry and his prejudiced ilk.

(video via Towleroad)

A Novel Xmas Gift: Romance By You

Have you been wracking your brains for the perfect Christmas gift for your significant other? Have you been casing jewelry stores, electronics departments, and high fashion boutiques just trying to find the gift that will not only show your thoughtfulness but your undying love?

Well, I may have a unique idea for you.

I found a website called Book By You, where you and your loved one star as the main characters in a romance book. Basically, you “co-author [a] 160 to 200-page novel by providing the names, features and places that personalize your book.”

The level of customization includes “over 26 characterizations” to “even include your dog or cat.” Then, you can finish off the gift with a personalized cover for that final romantic touch.

There is even a same-sex option for us fabulous homosexuals.

Other options include starring in your own mystery novel or classic novel, such as Sherlock Holmes. There are even create your own books for the kids and teens in your life.

While the stories overall seem rather generic, the idea in itself is worth at least a look. I played around with the customization you get with a free preview, and it was cool enough for me to hop onto my blog and share it with you.

Happy creating!


Perry’s New Anti-Gay Ad

Rick Perry released a new ad today in Iowa to try and drum up more supporters for his Republican Presidential nod. Although recent polls show Newt Gingrich in first place (who saw that one coming?), Perry no doubt believes his attacks against homosexuals, Obama, and public school prayer will help him win some votes among the extremely conservative.

In the ad, Perry promises to “end Obama’s war on religion” and “fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage.”

Once again, Perry has things bass ackwards. No war against religion exists. The religious fundamentalists are simply ticked that they aren’t getting their way–that their versions of morality aren’t adopted by the nation as a whole.

Perry says in his video “faith once made America strong,” but he forgets that faith wasn’t prescribed upon the country’s founding for a reason.

(video via ThinkProgress)

Perry Hates Obama Speaking for Gay Rights Worldwide

Earlier today, President Obama issued a memorandum calling for nations to help promote “the fair treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people worldwide,” as reported by ThinkProgress. The President even spoke before the United Nations where he expressed that he was “deeply concerned by the violence and discrimination targeting LGBT persons around the world — whether it is passing laws that criminalize LGBT status, beating citizens simply for joining peaceful LGBT pride celebrations, or killing men, women, and children for their perceived sexual orientation.”

Naturally, Perry took arms against this plea for basic human rights across the planet.

Perry had this to say about Obama’s call for human rights:

This administration’s war on traditional American values must stop… [and] This is just the most recent example of an administration at war with people of faith in this country. Investing tax dollars promoting a lifestyle many Americas of faith find so deeply objectionable is wrong…President Obama has again mistaken America’s tolerance for different lifestyles with an endorsement of those lifestyles. I will not make that mistake.”

I didn’t realize American values and basic human rights were two different things because according to Perry they are. Whether Perry or any other uber conservative wants to admit it or not, this country was founded on basic human rights. Those rights were fought for and were why we ultimately separated from Britain. We wanted to right to be who we were, to worship as we pleased, to live freely without unjust representation and taxation, and to live in a land for the people and by the people.

Perry (and many others) falsely believe that their Christian beliefs are the be-all and-end-all. Well, that’s just not the way it is. I’m a Christian, but I don’t force my Christianity on anyone else. I also don’t expect every single person to believe as I do much less support gay rights. Everyone has their beliefs. But just because I’m not straight nor Muslim doesn’t mean I don’t think straight Muslims have inalienable rights in this country (or the world) either.

Persecuting people for any reason should never be tolerated, and this is something President Obama is taking a stand on. While I for one would like Obama to take a stronger stand on gay rights in America, I’m still pleased he made this statement for the world wide community.

If Perry had his way, though, persecuting people who aren’t Christian or follow his set of morality would be A-OK.

What Turns Most Homophobic Men On? Gay Porn!

Many of us have often wondered just what is at the root of the hatred some homophobic men have for gay men. They attempt to berate us, bully us, intimidate us, and flaunt their “masculinity” in front of their bros just to prove how manlier than us they are.

Well, as Queen Gertrude from Shakespeare’s Hamlet said, “I think the lady doth protest too much.” Their strutting and bully tactics have caused many gay men to conclude that these homophobes hide secret man on man sexual desires. After all, sometimes you hate what you can’t have the most, right?

Wouldn’t you know it, Psychology Today reports about one study that seems to prove just that!

In this study,

“heterosexual men [were asked] how comfortable and anxious they are around gay men. Based on these scores, they then divided these men into two groups: men that are homophobic, and men who are not. These men were then shown three, four-minute videos. One video depicted straight sex, one depicted lesbian sex and one depicted gay male sex. While this was happening, a device was attached to each participant’s penis. This device has been found to be triggered by sexual arousal, but not other types of arousal (such as nervousness, or fear – arousal often has a very different meaning in psychology than in popular usage).”

Can you guess what the results showed? I bet you savvy readers can!

Both the homophobes and the non-homophobic men sported woodies when viewing lesbian and straight porn, but when watching some good old fashioned American gay male porn, only the homophobes pitched tents big enough to comfortably sleep a battalion of men, something apparently they would be interested in!

So the next time you come across a homophobe, gauge how extreme his hate is. That should tell you just how much of a flamer he really is!

(Special thanks to K. for bringing this article to my attention! Smooches!)