Possible HIV Prevention Breakthrough?

Just four days after World AIDS Day comes news of a potential break through in HIV/AIDS research, as found on Queerty.

Ars Technica reported that:

 a team of labs at Caltech and UCLA decided to short-circuit the need for a vaccination, or even antibody-producing immune cells. They created a disarmed adenovirus that contained the genes needed to produce a broadly effective antibody from humans, optimizing the DNA to make sure that the antibody was made in muscle cells, and then secreted into their environment.

The modified virus was then injected into mice that had had their immune systems humanized (the stem cells in their bone marrow were killed off and then repopulated with human cells). The mice were then exposed to levels of HIV many times higher than are normally present during initial infections. Not all antibodies effectively blocked new infections, but at least one did so consistently. The resistance to new HIV infections persisted for the life of the experiments.”

If these experiments conducted on the mice could be successfully carried over into human trials, there is hope that a single inoculation could one day prevent further HIV infections. This means we are steps closer to eradicating the virus for future generations.

I don’t know about you, but I find this hopeful. I would love for my daughter to mature into a world without the threat of infection from HIV.

Love in Action Movie Trailer

Director Morgan Jon Fox is set to release a documentary titled Love in Action in March 2012. This movie follows the life of a young gay man sent to Love In Action, a Christian based ex-gay therapy “ministry.”

The parents’ decision to send their son off to be brainwashed (rightfully) sparks controversy in their town.

You may remember Love in Action (the ex-gay group, not the movie) from a previous post on John Smid, former director of Love in Action, who recently came out of the closet himself. Smid appears in the documentary spouting his support for ex-gay conversion. The fact that he is now out and proud adds validity to the film maker’s vision.

Here’s the trailer for the movie. I know I plan on watching it when it is released.


(video via Joe.My.God)

Rick Perry’s New Campaign Ad Highlights His Stupidity

In his latest campaign ad, Republican Presidential nominee Rick Perry admits to not being a “slick talker” (no, really?).

I think it’s always good when someone realizes his/her weaknesses, but just because we admit them doesn’t make us a good candidate for the job we are applying (or running) for. I’m a teacher, and if I interviewed for a teaching position and told my hiring committee that I had problems speaking in front of the classroom (which is a requirement for the job), I would expect not to be hired.

Perry thinks that by embracing his incompetence he will endear himself to the voters. After all, he’s promising to balance the budget (something we’ve heard for how many presidential elections now?) and to institute a flat tax. What people need to realize is that in Texas, balancing the budget has meant severely cutting funds appropriated for education in a state that consistently ranks at the bottom nationwide.

His actions as well as his inability to speak should frighten the nation. I don’t wish Rick Perry on Texas much less the rest of nation!

In NC: Republicans Backing Out of Marriage Inequality Amendment

In North Carolina, an anti-gay marriage amendment will go to the polls in May. However, the wording of the amendment has many politicians worried and even regretting their support of the amendment, as reported on ThinkProgress.

The amendment, as it is currently drafted, states that it will “provide that marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state.” However, the wording that prevents the state from “prohibit[ing] businesses from offering benefits to domestic partners, isn’t included on the ballot.”

Without that final sentence, politicians such as Republican State Senator Jim Davis are fearful of what the amendment might lead to as he said here:

I have a lot of libertarian in me. I believe firmly, passionately that a marriage should be defined as being between one man and one woman. But I also believe with all my heart that in a free America people who choose to live a different lifestyle should have a legal right to do so. Just don’t call it marriage. [This amendment will] restrict their freedoms a little more beyond my comfort zone.”

While I must give politicians like Davis some credit for realizing the epic failure of this amendment, I find the last sentence of his quote still rather troublesome. It’s okay to restrict freedoms of Americans as long as it’s within his comfort zone? It seems to me that we shouldn’t be restricting civil freedoms at all!

But the damage has been done. The amendment is on the ballot and extreme religious groups (i.e. NOM) have jumped on the bandwagon to get this amendment passed in North Carolina.

Now, we can only hope that the voters in the state will see the same flaws the proponents who helped pass the amendment now see.

Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night” Video/Film

Lady Gaga has released her latest video for “Marry the Night.” The video, which is more like a short film, is over 13 minutes long. In typical Gaga fashion, the video/film is a tad weird (we start in a mental ward, I think), and it progresses from there. Still, I love the song, and Gaga has a great line,”You may say I’ve lost everything, but I still have my Bedazzler.”

Hope you enjoy. Music starts at approximately 8:00 if you want to skip the non-music portion.

World AIDS Day

December 1 is World AIDS Day, where as a human race we contemplate how far we have come and where we still need to go in order to eradicate this virus from existence. It’s been 30 years since the first HIV/AIDS diagnosis. In those 30 years, the course of the virus and those affected have changed dramatically.

It used to be that those who became infected with HIV died approximately 9 months after their diagnosis. In the 1980’s, hospitals were filled with many men and women dying from this disease. Special AIDS wards were set up in hospitals throughout the country in order to combat the ever-increasing numbers of patients struck terminally ill with the disease.

That has thankfully changed. Today, most of those AIDS wards in hospitals no longer exist and being HIV positive is no longer a death sentence. With proper medication and medical treatment, HIV positive persons can expect to live a full life, which is quite a departure from the previous 9 month life expectation.

Also gone are the misconceptions that AIDS was communicable through shaking hands, hugging, kissing, using public restrooms, or opening doors. The irrational fear has dissipated with education and with medical knowledge of the virus’ transmission. We know becoming HIV positive can only occur through sharing of bodily fluids by unsafe sex practices, intravenous drug use, and improper sterilization of needles used in medical procedures. Even then, an HIV positive individual who has an undetectable viral load and who takes his/her medication regularly has an almost 0% chance of infecting anyone.

We have all the tools at our disposal to prevent further HIV infections, and with more funding of AIDS research, we can one day reduce future HIV infections to zero.

We have come a long way in 30 years, and we still have a way to go. But as the video below states, we all have the resources to help prevent further infections. We all have a responsibility here–for ourselves and our children.

Canada’s Gay Marriage Video

This YouTube video is based on Canadian Heritage PSAs about great moments in Canada’s past. This particular one commemorates that in 2005, marriage quality became a reality just north of our border. It’s 6 years later, and Canada hasn’t been set upon by plague, pestilence, or death. As the video states, the Marriage Equality Act was a “victory against hatred and discrimination.”

Congratulations, Canada!

What Hate Looks Like

In England, a British woman was caught on video spouting racial hatred to a trainload full of people. During her tirade, she insulted anyone who wasn’t white or British, demanding that they get off the bus and out of her country.

Thanks to the video, however, she was arrested for “racially aggravated offense,” as reported on Unicorn Booty.


Obviously, this woman will be in the running for the next Mother of the Year Award!

Another Thing Rick Perry Doesn’t Know: The Voting Age

Rick Perry continues to be a shining beacon for all Texans. While he has already given us several gems of his ignorance, such as not knowing the century of the American Revolution, Perry added a new flaming hot mess to his pile as reported on Joe.My.God.

During a speech Perry was giving at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire, Perry made the following comments to the audience:

Those of you that will be 21 by Nov. 12th, I ask for your support and your vote. Those of you who won’t be — just work hard — because you are going to inherit this and you’re counting on us to get this right. The idea that you’re looking at a $15-trillion debt, that you’re looking at entitlement programs that will not be there for you if we continue on this path, is not fair to you and it’s not right.”

Apparently, Perry thinks the voting age and the legal drinking age are both 21. I hope to God that Perry continues to slip in the polls because this man is simply too stupid for prime time!