New PSA on Bullying: Out of the Mouths of Babes

Two brothers made a video on bullying for a school project. Eight grader Grant Viola and his third grade brother Drake star in this video that tackles bullying, saying “that’s gay,” and being stupid. The video was made in response to a homework assignment given to big brother Grant.

Seeing two young boys grasp a concept that some adults have difficulty with is promising. Kudos to both Grant and Drake!

Here’s the video.

(via Queerty)

My Interview for A Recent Review of Moral Authority

I was also lucky enough to be interviewed by Top 2 Bottom Reviews about my book. There’s also an excerpt from my book at the end of the interview. Click here to visit the site or read the interview below.

Thanks so much for taking the time to be with us today, Jacob. We’d love if you’d start by sharing a bit about yourself and your background?

First off, let me thank you for taking the time to interview me. I truly appreciate it more than words can adequately express.

As for information about me, there really isn’t much too exciting about me personally, at least from my perspective. I’m pretty much your average man with a family. I have a partner of 9 years, and we have 3 children whose ages range from 17 to 11. Like any parents, our lives are filled with homework, dance recitals, soccer practices, and ferrying children to and fro.

I grew up in San Antonio, Texas, where I received my undergraduate and graduate degrees in English from St. Mary’s University. In 1996 shortly after graduation, I moved to Victoria, Texas, when I received a job teaching college English full time at Victoria College.

When did you discover your passion for writing? Was there someone in particular who encouraged and inspired your love of storytelling?

I discovered my passion for writing at an early age. Growing up in the barrio of San Antonio, one quickly learns to occupy himself in order to escape the harsh realities of the neighborhood. Writing was one of those escapes. Instead of getting in trouble or having trouble find me, I sat in the dining room of my grandparents’ house and wrote my own comic books, plagiarizing heavily from DC Comics. Most of the characters I wrote about came from the pages of The Justice League of America or The New Teen Titans. Those early stories paved the way for my writing ability. They taught me a great deal about character development and creating interesting story arcs and subplots.

My mother always encouraged my writing or whatever I was interested in, really. She would listen to every story I wrote, no matter how awful the story might have been. Sometimes, I would read her my stories to help her fall asleep after a long day at work.

Your book, Moral Authority, takes a look into the not so distant future of an America in which homosexuality is a crime. Will you tell us a little more about it and share with us how you came up with the idea for the story?

Moral Authority takes place in the year 2050, where a fourth branch of American government called The Moral Authority has been established and in existence for thirty-five years. This part of the government acts as the moral compass for the nation and helps enact lifestyle legislation to keep Americans on a rightful moral track. Homosexuality is illegal, but so is smoking, drinking, and excessive caloric intake, to name a few. But the lifestyle legislation goes even deeper. Moral codes of conduct are established based on high moral standards of care, fairness, loyalty, respect, and purity. Any action that contradicts those precepts in personal relationships or in an individual’s daily life is cause for a stay in a moral prison—or worse!

The idea actually came to me about two years ago. I was at my desk, wondering what would have happened to this country had Obama lost the election and a lunatic like Sarah Palin came within a stone’s throw of the presidency. After that, ideas started to steamroll. I wrote The Moral Constitution of the United States, which basically helped outline the social-political environment for Moral Authority.

If there was any one message you’d hope readers will take away from the book, what would it be?

I want readers to understand just what can happen if ideas, such as morality, are universally defined for everyone. Morality isn’t something that can be prescribed; what’s moral to you might be immoral to me. But that doesn’t give me the right to impose my beliefs on you anymore than you have the right to impose yours on me. Granted, there are universal moral codes that all people adhere to—murder is inherently bad and sexual assault of another is just plain wrong, but when we get down to other concepts or beliefs that aren’t about one person inflicting pain on another, such as homosexuality, then those beliefs can’t be dictated by one person or one group of persons. When one group starts defining life for others, that’s when freedom is truly lost and that’s when a country begins to fall from grace.

Did you find, as you were writing, that you drew upon any of your own life experiences or based any of the characters on people you know?

I think most characters have some infusion of me or of people in my life, but I do my best to make them their own individuals. As such, my characters tend to be amalgamations of different parts of people I know. Sometimes, I take the best qualities of a few people and put them all in one character and then take all their bad qualities and put them in another. This way, my characters are still real but still individuals in their own right.

From conception to publication, how long did the process take?

I began writing Moral Authority in November of 2009 and finished it in February of 2010. I was quite surprised at how quickly I wrote it, but the novel seemed to write itself—almost as if some higher power possessed me until the story was finished. The revision process took awhile as I am a perfectionist and work full time. In fact, I was still revising until I finally published it in August of 2011.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received with respect to writing? Did it change the way you approach your craft?

The best piece of advice I ever received actually had to do with reading, not writing. Diane Gonzales-Bertrand, one of my college English professors and a published author herself, told me that reading for authors is crucial.

In college, I didn’t understand that advice. I do now. After I read a few novels, I find my creative juices rejuvenated. When I read I do so as an author. I look to see how particular authors made me love or hate a character or how I responded to this plot twist or that resolution. This helps me when I write because I gain a broader sense of the writing process beyond my own. I contemplate how others have created their fictional worlds and then apply that to my own writing. Each novel is a teaching tool, and I grow as an author every time I finish reading a new novel.

If you were to offer a word of advice to a new author, what would it be?

My advice would be to not give up. It’s far too easy to say, “Okay, I’m done. I can’t get anyone to publish my manuscript, so I must be an awful writer.” That’s just not the case. All writers have a voice, and if we are true authors, we will do whatever is necessary to share our visions and our creations with others. We will hone our craft by attending conferences, finding reading groups, starting blogs, or whatever else is required to get our words out there. So if your desire is to be published, keep trying. One day, someone will be interested in what you have to say, and when that day comes, all the frustration, tears, and long hours will be worth the joy of someone reading your book and liking it.

Do you have any new projects/works-in-progress you’d care to share with us?

I actually have two new projects in the works. Moral Authority is the first book in a series. I’ve completed more than 300 pages of the second book—tentatively titled Moral Panacea, which picks up two years after the conclusion of the first book.

I also have finished a m/m romance novel, which is currently in the editing process. I don’t want to give away too much about that book yet, but it’s currently titled 3.

Where can readers find you on the internet?

I have a blog at The blog tends to be highly political as I discuss current news events. I also blog about gay culture, entertainment, and personal anecdotes. I try to blog at least twice a day, so my website is updated on a regular basis.

It’s been a pleasure having you with us, Jacob. Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions. We’d love if you’d consider sharing a favorite excerpt from Moral Authority with us.

Moral Authority by Jacob Flores

“Alright, you pansy ass butthole fuckers, it’s time to get going!”

The angry voice of the K3 officer screaming at them in the boat hold roused Mark from his tentative slumber. He couldn’t remember falling asleep, but he often drifted off when he escaped inside his own mind.

The K3 officer flipped on the lights in the boat hold for the first time since he shut them off four days ago. Mark tried to shield his eyes from the brightness, but the shackles and chains around his wrist prevented much freedom in arm movement. All he could manage was to squint and hope his eyesight recovered quickly.

“Hurry up and get on your God damn feet,” the K3 shouted while yanking one of the prisoners to his feet. Since no one had the chance to stand for four days, the prisoner crumpled to the ground, his legs numb from sitting in one position too long. The officer proceeded to kick the prisoner repeatedly. The man screamed for help as his body was mercilessly assaulted by the K3 who Mark now referred to as Officer Asshole.

“Stop it! You’re going to kill him,” shouted someone from up front. Immediately, Mark knew that to be a mistake.

“What the fuck did you just say?” Officer Asshole asked, while kicking the man on the floor one final time. Mark heard a snap on that final kick, no doubt a rib or two being broken.

Unfortunately, Mark’s eyes adjusted well enough now for him to see Officer Asshole pull out his side arm and fire it pointblank at the outspoken prisoner. The ringing peal of the shot blasted through the boat hold, and the noise frightened Mark. Most law officials now carried electrical weapons in order to subdue offenders without serious bodily harm. When discharged, those guns sizzled, not exploded like this one. Lead ammunition guns hadn’t been in use for decades. Apparently, at detainment camps, they were standard issue.

Mark averted his eyes as the man’s lifeless body fell to the floor, where Officer Asshole kicked it twice. Afterward, Officer Asshole looked around. “Does anyone else have something to say about me kicking the shit out of this butt fucker?”

No one responded. Even the man who sobbed for most of the boat trip remained silent.

Officer Asshole resumed kicking the man he lifted from his seat. The man no longer screamed but moaned in pain; his moans were interrupted by the wet sound of gurgling blood escaping his lips. Still, Officer Asshole attacked. The man’s anguished moans became too much for Mark to bear. He tried to block out the whimpers with his hands, but the chains restrained him.

Blow after blow filled the boat hold, and the interior walls of the boat amplified the beating until it sounded like a percussionist banging out a macabre beat in some nightmarish band.

Finally, the moans stopped. The man was most likely dead, but his death failed to deter Officer Asshole. He kicked the man, at least ten more times.

“That was fucking fun,” Officer Asshole said in delight. “Who’s next?”

The officer’s delight filled Mark with rage. More than anything else, even more than being free of this hellish place, Mark wanted Officer Asshole to die.

“That’s enough, Davies,” a voice from behind Officer Asshole commanded. “Bring them above deck. Now.”

“Yes, sir!” Officer Asshole returned his gaze to the prisoners. His smirk foretold even more hell to follow. “Alright, you fairies, let’s get those loose asses of yours up those stairs and off the boat for inspection.” Officer Asshole bent down and unlocked the chains of the two men he killed. Their torment was over while Mark’s, and the other hundred or so prisoners, had just begun. Officer Asshole then pushed another man toward the stairs leading up to the deck. The procession out began.

As they filed out, Mark looked around at his fellow prisoners all dressed in bright orange jumpsuits. Some were soiled by their own body excrement, which they sat in for the past four days. Even though Mark had to go, he fought the urge. He would be damned if he gave his jailors the opportunity to mock him for a simple human bodily function.

Most of the prisoners looked awful and defeated. Eyes wide in terror, they shuffled forward carefully since everyone’s ankles were also chained together. Dried snot caked some of their faces. Others showed no emotion, as if they detached themselves from this world, their bodies merely on autopilot.

Mark didn’t feel defeated or detached. He was terrified, but he was mostly furious. No human being deserved to be treated as they were being treated. Every fiber of his being knew this to be wrong.

How could anyone, much less the supposed moral majority of this country, think this was just or moral?

“Pay attention, man. Our line is moving,” the man behind him whispered while nudging Mark forward. The men in front of him shuffled forward. His lack of attention might have upset the line when his chain linking him to the man before him pulled taut. The man in front of him could have stumbled or fallen backwards, unbalanced, which likely would have resulted in a beating, or worse, for them both.

“Thanks,” Mark whispered back and shuffled forward.

As he made his way closer to the stairs leading up, the sunlight at the top shone brightly down on him; its warmth felt good on his skin. He closed his eyes briefly, freely giving himself to its embrace. The sun told him everything would be all right, that he would be watched and cared for. Mark found this soothing. He listened to the roll of the waves as they gently rocked the boat against the dock, and it lulled him into a tentative peace. Even the sea breeze that rushed down to him, carrying the smell of salt and sea life, filled him with renewed vigor.

Mark climbed the stairs toward the sun, exiting the darkness of the boat hold.

On deck, he looked around at Provincetown harbor. Boat slips surrounded the area, but there were no boats. At one time, Provincetown was home to many boats, both commercial and private. Now, the only boat was the one he currently stood on. No doubt all other water transportation was forbidden since Provincetown had been turned into a detainment camp. Forced by K3’s, citizens and businesses relocated off the cape.

The line of men in orange jumpsuits extended all the way down the pier, toward a New England styled building with white trim and a grey roof. No doubt the building was once a visitor’s center or some official site for Provincetown tourism. Now, it was where the processing of prisoners occurred. It even had K3 guards standing sentinel along the white ramps, their weapons drawn and their muscles tense, anxiously awaiting the opportunity to shoot someone.

He focused his attention instead on the cool sea breeze that continued to swirl around him, whispering to him that he wasn’t alone. Mark then stepped off the metal plank used for disembarkation and onto the wooden slats of the pier. As he walked forward, Mark imagined what Provincetown might have been like a generation or two ago.

Mark pictured the excitement his gay brothers in the past must have felt when exiting the ferries that used to shuttle them back and forth from Boston. When their feet touched these same wooden slats he now walked across in chains, they no doubt felt liberated from their daily selves. He imagined their excitement, as opposed to his dread, about their arrival. Instead of being detained like Mark, they had arrived at a destination where they were the most free, where they could be who they truly were and express that without hesitation or fear of reprisal.

He clearly saw them in the past, walking hand-in-hand as they hurried to join the rest of their kin at the local bars or shops. Each person they encountered was a potential new lover or friend. In the past, there were no limits here, no boundaries, like the rows of chain linked and barbed wire fences that extended for as far as the eye could see along the beach in both directions. Provincetown was whatever they wanted it to be. It could be filled with dancing and debauchery, shopping and sight seeing, or relaxing and lounging, or it could be all those things.

In fact, if he listened hard enough, he still heard the thumping bass beat of a long ago silenced speaker churning out the dance music to which the boys used to love to dance. The music drifted on the air currents, refusing to die and challenging the present to ever erase that part of this town’s past. The vibe was in the air. It was the essence of what Provincetown was and what it promised to be again. He felt it. This was no doubt what he sensed while climbing out of the boat hold. It was the spirit of Provincetown and the ghosts of his gay brothers from the past. They were here, they told him. They wouldn’t be chased away.

New Review of Moral Authority

My novel Moral Authority was reviewed on Top2Bottom Reviews, a gay fiction review site. Click here to visit the site.

Title: Moral Authority
Author: Jacob Z. Flores
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pages: 318
Characters: Mark and Isaac
POV: Third
Sub-Genre: LGBT dystopian political thriller
Kisses: 4.5 (out of 5)


In the year 2050, America has changed. Profoundly. Homosexuality is a crime, cursing in public is a punishable offense, and lifestyle legislation keeps American citizens on a prescribed moral path. The country lives in a Moral Age, all thanks to The Moral Authority, the nation’s fourth branch of government, which has held dominion for the past thirty-five years. Yet the Moral Age comes at a price. Americans either live like mindless cattle or in fear. Told from three points of view, Mark, the brash young hero, who finds true love in the most desolate of places; Isaac, the renegade, who searches for redemption, and Samuel the dictatorial megalomaniac intent on maintaining his power, Moral Authority exposes what happens to a nation that continues to restrict, instead of broadening, civil rights.


The year is 2050 in the United States of America. Democracy is a distant memory, and the current government is a four-armed fascist system which is ruled by a supreme leader who is referred to as the Moral Chancellor. In reality, he is the country’s dictator and the ruler of the highest branch of government called the Moral Authority.

Protagonist Mark Bryan is a college student and journalist who takes exception to the Orwellian laws that have been imposed upon society by the Moral Authority. Not only does he struggle with the moral standards of conduct which are rigidly enforced by the Moral Police, but he also is opposed to the outright ban the government has placed upon homosexuality.

Mark is himself gay, albeit closeted. All gay people are closeted, though, for it is illegal to embrace any form of self-identity which is contrary to heterosexuality. The moral police are very diligent in tracking down offenders, and sting operations are frequently conducted to identify and imprison violators.

Mark meets a man to whom he’s attracted and cautiously begins to cultivate a relationship. Soon he finds himself in the midst of a sting, and is sentenced to imprisonment. This occurs around the time a crackdown has been implemented. The Moral Chancellor is impatient to root out all forms of deviant sexual behavior once-and-for-all, and has a passionate hatred for homosexuals especially.

Concurrent to Marks arrest and prison sentence, an uprising ensues within the country. Rebel forces which are led by the Human Rights Campaign begin to openly defy the government. Their efforts are well-coordinated and draw the attention of the media. It appears the nation is on the verge of civil war.

Meanwhile, Mark finds himself in a detainment camp which has been created specifically for homosexuals. Several of these camps have been established throughout the country in much the same manner as were Hitler’s extermination camps of Nazi Germany. The atrocities that Mark and the other prisoners face are unspeakable. Brutalized, tortured, starved, executed, sodomized, and repeatedly beaten—the prisoners are humiliated and degraded in every imaginable way.

In spite of the horrors Mark faces, he somehow manages to cling to the hope that freedom will prevail. He is an inspiration to his fellow prisoners, many of whom he watches suffer and die at the hands of camp’s sadistic overlords. Miraculously, Mark finds love in the midst of this Hell on Earth, and he manages to remain focused on his dream that America will one day return to its principles of liberty and the right to the pursuit of happiness for all its citizens.

Moral Authority is a heartbreaking story. It is a page-turner that is excruciating to read yet impossible to put down. The story itself is horrific, yet its message is profound. It is thought-provoking and terrifying in the sense that gives the reader pause—is it possible that we as a nation could fall victim to a system of imposed, legislated “morality” such as this?

The writing appears seasoned, and I was rather astonished that the work was written by a first-time, self-published author. The editing is fairly precise and highly professional. From a critical standpoint, large segments of the beginning chapters are told in passive voice. As the story progresses, the author begins to “show” much more than “tell”, however.

The plot was well-thought out; the historical and geographical references appeared to be well-researched. Most of the chronology seemed plausible to me, although I did have some questions as to exactly how we as a nation got from where we are today to a place that embraced fascism. Although I’m dying to read a sequel to this novel, I would also welcome a prequel. There was no explanation of what happened to the Democratic Party. Where were all the liberals when the country’s rights were being stripped? I find it hard to believe they would have stood idly by and allowed the nation to travel so quickly down this slippery slope.

In spite of the questions I have about the story’s premise, I found this to be a fascinating read. I was moved emotionally on more than one occasion, and I stayed up most of the night reading through to the end. I think this book is extremely powerful, and it is without hesitation that I recommend it highly.

I offer one caveat: The book may be disappointing to those who insist upon an HEA ending.

Reviewed By: Jeff

Marriage Equality Video from Australia

Australia’s GetUp Campaign, which is working to have marriage discrimination removed in Australia, has released a video designed to do just that. The short video follows around a couple who go through all types of life events–together. After all, this is what marriage is about.

It’s not about the rights denied. It’s about the commitment between individuals, whether they are the same gender or not.

(video via Towleroad)

Rush Limbaugh: School Tolerance to Blame in Student Murder

The trial of Brian McInereny, the young man who shot and killed fellow middle school student Larry King in February 2008, has concluded. As reported on ThinkProgress, “McInerney will spend 21 years in prison, until he is 38 years old, and avoid a second trial.”

At the age of 14, McInereny pulled a handgun from his backpack and shot King in the back of his head because King allegedly acted flamboyantly in school. Now, at 17 years old, McInereny faces the next 21 years of his life in prison.

This story is beyond tragic. The lives of two young men have been ended because of hate and intolerance.

But, what makes this story even more tragic is Rush Limbaugh’s comments. Limbaugh believes that Oxnard Middle School, where both boys attended, shares responsibilities in King’s death “because school authorities were interested in promoting a homosexual agenda and had not done enough to dissuade King from dressing in women’s accessories, wearing makeup, and flirting with male students.”

This is ridiculous because Limbaugh’s idiocy sound too much like blaming the victim. I remember arguments a few decades ago blaming a woman for being raped if she wore suggestive clothing. So since King acted too much like a girl, he was simply asking to be assaulted? Give me a break!

Limbaugh needs to not blame the victim or the school for an individual’s choices. No one forced McInereny to pack a gun for school that day. No one made him pull the gun out and pull the trigger. Those actions were McInereny’s alone, no matter how disheartening that is.




Marriage Equality Promos in Maine

A new marriage equality campaign starts in Maine tomorrow. As reported on Towleroad, the campaign is “Timed to run around Thanksgiving, when families gather around the table and in front of the television, the first 30-second ad features a close shot of an elderly Catholic couple from rural Maine who have been married 42 years, describing the journey they took to accept that one of their daughters is a lesbian…A second 30-second ad features a self-identified conservative United Methodist Church minister, wearing his religious collar, and his wife as they talk about how they ‘really struggled through this issue.'”

Maine is being targeted for these ads because the state will likely once again be dealing with the issue of gay marriage in 2012.

“Instead of being preachy, the ads aim to empathize with the ‘journey’ voters are taking as they try to sort out their conflicted feelings about same-sex marriage,” which was reported in the San Francisco Chronicle.

The advertisers in Maine are trying to learn from the mistakes made in previous pro-gay marriage campaigns. These ads will reflect the struggles that people undergo as they come to terms with gay marriage. For a majority of the nation, the concept of two men or two women pledging their lives together not only makes them uncomfortable, but it challenges a long-held belief system. By highlighting the struggles of those who have accepted gay marriage, gay marriage proponents in Maine hope to capture the “one-third of Maine voters who are comfortable with civil unions but conflicted about supporting marriage.” 

This approach is brilliant. Life and our opinions are a never ending journey. As humans, we change and evolve over time. We don’t remain static. Showcasing the paths other people have taken on the road to marriage equality will hit closer to home and be far more persuasive than simply preaching about how we all deserve to be equal. As any good debater knows, standing on a soap box only convinces an audience that already agrees with you. Skeptical or neutral audiences need more than an emotional appeal. They need arguments that appeal to their belief and their core values. They should see themselves reflected in the argument. This advertising campaign does that well.

Here are the two promos.

(videos found via Towleroad)

NC Baptist Church Stands Up For Gay Marriage

Pullen Baptist Church, located in Raliegh, NC, has decided to protest the state’s proposed constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage by not performing any weddings until full marriage equality is guaranteed for all, as reported by ThinkProgress.

This decision was made by a unanimous vote of the congregation, which is comprised of approximately 650 members. When asked, “The congregants said in a formal statement that current North Carolina law – and the language proposed for a vote next year on an amendment to the state Constitution – discriminates against same-sex couples ‘by denying them the rights and privileges enjoyed by heterosexual married couples.'”

Nancy Petty, Pastor of the Pullen Baptist Church, is a lesbian and began having “a burden of conscience” while signing marriage certificates for heterosexual couples and not for homosexual couples. When she expressed her concerns to her congregation, they supported her 100% and began the process of banning all marriage in their church until full marriage equality was realized.

Stories such as these give me hope in this uncertain political climate. While the Republican presidential candidates attempt to out posture each other by proving they are best suited to support “traditional” family and beat back the oppressively sinful homosexuals and while Obama continues to waffle  on gay issues, it’s nice to see American citizens taking a stand against discrimination. These people are making their voices heard. They are telling their elected officials that they are tired of discriminatory legislation, and they won’t stand for it anymore.

One day (hopefully soon), voices against discrimination will echo throughout the 50 state capitals and The White House, and like the congregation at Pullen Baptist Church, everyone might come to believe that “As people of faith, affirming the Christian teaching that before God all people are equal, we will no longer participate in this discrimination.” 

Mister Chase Does Lily Allen’s “F You Very Much”

Awhile back I posted about YouTube performer Mister Chase doing a sign language parody of Katy Perry’s “Last Friday Night.” Click here to read the post and see the video.

Michael Chase does it again with Lily Allen’s “Fuck You” song. In the video Michael fights anti-gay Republicans in a Mario Bros. inspired video game. Enjoy!