Michigan Senate Passes “License to Bully” Bill

In what can only be described as a cowardly political move, the Republican controlled Michigan Senate passed SB 137, which basically sanctions bullying.

ThinkProgress reports that the bill “not only neglects to protect students based on sexual orientation or gender identity, but creates a special exception for bullies who have a ‘sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction.’”

Basically, a student in Michigan schools can be bullied if another student, teacher, or administrator has strong moral reasons for tormenting a child. You have got to be kidding me?!?!

Are there adults elected to office in Michigan? Do they really believe that anyone’s religious beliefs give them sanction to physically or emotionally assault another individual? How is this any different than the Taliban or a jihad? Yet those individuals are terrorists and a jihad is a terrorist attack!

But according to Republican senators in Michigan (which passed SB 137 in a 26-11 vote), assaulting a child in school based on “religious or moral conviction” is A-OK! I guess as long as those beliefs are Christian based then it’s alright.

Do these people understand that a group of students in Michigan can form a Holy Crusade and beat the crap out of some gay kid, which according to SB 137, would be perfectly within their right? Those students would never be held accountable for their actions because they were simply following their “moral” convictions.

Democratic Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer refused to take the bill’s passage lying down. In a passionate speech, she made the following statement:

So this might solve a political problem that Republicans have. but be clear: You are papering over the problem that is a reality faced by hundreds of kids in Michigan schools every day. In fact, not only does this not protect kids who are bullied, it further endangers them by legitimizing excuses for tormenting a student. And the saddest and sickest irony of this whole thing is that it’s called ‘Matt’s Safe School Law’. And after the way that you’ve gutted it, it wouldn’t have done a damn thing to save Matt!

This is worse than doing nothing! It’s a Republican license to bully.”

Here’s her full speech if you would like to hear her lambast the Republicans.



Lady Gaga to Create Anti-Bullying Foundation

Lady Gaga’s song “Born This Way” became an anthem for self-acceptance and loving one’s self despite adversity or prejudice. Her lyrics remind us all that we were all created by God, and that He made us exactly the people we were to be, no matter our race or sexual orientation.

Now, Lady Gaga is ready to take her anthem “Born This Way” to the next level, as reported by The Advocate. She will “launch her Born This Way Foundation” where she “will use the title of her hit pro-LGBT anthem and best-selling album as the name of the non-profit that will focus on youth empowerment and ‘issues like self-confidence, well-being, anti-bullying, mentoring and career development.'”

When asked about her hopes for the foundation, Lady Gaga said, “Together we [including her mother, Cynthia Germanotta] hope to establish a standard of Bravery and Kindness, as well as a community worldwide that protects and nurtures others in the face of bullying and abandonment.”

These are the types of stories I love to see. When entertainers, politicians, or anyone else in the limelight uses their influence to truly make a difference, everyone benefits. Lady Gaga isn’t attacking religious fundamentalists or Republicans. She isn’t launching a smear campaign against those she disagrees with.

Instead, she is using her fame and her resources to make a difference, to give hope to those who feel abandoned.

My hats off to Lady Gaga and those like her. Such actions by people such as this are worth more than the venom that spews from any hate monger’s mouth. After all, hate and ignorance can’t stand against love and compassion for all.

Here’s the music video for “Born This Way” if you haven’t seen it or would like to see it again.

FRC Launches Prayer Campaign Against Gay Adoption

Last week, Angela Gillibrand, a democratic Senator from New York, introduced a new bill called “Every Child Deserves a Family.” This bill is designed to eliminate bans on gay adoption across the country. Obviously, Gillebrand sees the merit of allowing gay couples a chance to adopt the 800,000 children in our country who go unadopted each year.

This bill would increase the chances of those 800,000 children finding homes and prevent those children from growing up within the foster care system. Instead, they would be adopted by a family dedicated to giving them a life they could not ordinarily have as wards of the state.

Apparently, the Family Research Council hates this idea as reported by ThinkProgress.

On the FRC website, the group offers up this prayer:

May God intervene and stir Americans to resist and stop this effort to advance the radical homosexual agenda and literally to possess our nation’s children. May God open our eyes! (Gen 1:26-28; 2:21-24; Lev 18:22-30; Dt 26:7-8; Pr 28:4; Lk 17:1-2; Acts 5:29; Eph 5:31-6:4)”

The FRC is ticked off because this bill would force private agencies to accept gay and lesbian couples as potential parents or lose their federal funding. Instead of focusing on the children who go without parents each year, the FRC is more concerned with defeating the “radical homosexual agenda.”

The only “agenda” these gay and lesbian couples have is to become parents, which is the same agenda as straight couples. I hope one day soon people will come to realize that the only real victims in issues like these are the children, who were abandoned by their biological heterosexual parents.

No Trick or Treat

Ever since my daughter entered my life, trick or treating has been a part of my Halloween routine. For the past 10 years I’ve missed countless Halloween parties or out-of-town spooktacular events in order to lead her, often by the hand, down the dark streets in search of a sugar high she normally is denied.

On her first Halloween, we dressed her up as an adorable puppy. Her mother and I zipped her in a furry one-piece costume and painted a dark circle around one of her eyes. She had no idea why her parents were forcing her inside a hot costume or messing with her perfect face. Still, she sat on the floor, sighed her discontent, and tolerated our efforts, even though the long, floppy dog ears often obscured her view.

When I paraded her down the street for candy I would ultimately consume like a gremlin after midnight, many parents annonced how adorable she was. As the proud papa, I took in all the compliments as if they were being directed at me instead of my daughter. Their acknowledgement of her obvious beauty and charm inflated my ego, affirming that I had, in fact, helped create the most perfect child in the universe.

Since then, the magic of Halloween ebbed and flowed for me as it does with most parents. I even started to dread the day a few years ago. That dread had nothing to do with spending time with my daughter.

I simply recoiled from the thought of fighting the flocks of screaming, rude children, who stampede over everyone in their quest for candy. I also wanted to sidestep the overgrown trick or treaters, the high school aged children and adults who travel from house to house holding plastic bags and collecting candy without appropriately aged costume kiddoes accompanying them!

But more had changed besides the super sized candy chasers. My daughter had grown up. Trick or treating became an event where dad traipsed behind her while she chatted non-stop with her friends and dressed in increasingly adult costumes. The little princess outfits and animal costumes gave way to cowgirls, 80’s girls, and cheerleaders in too-short skirts.

Somehow, the biggest trick was being played on me! The little girl who had to hold my hand the entire time we trick or treated now barely spoke to me once we exited the front door. She would have been completely content to go without me had I been less of a protective parent.

That was why I was less than thrilled when Halloween of 2011 rolled around. She was now 11, and I didn’t want to just be the parent bringing up the rear, a part I seemed forever cast to play.

I wanted the adorable puppy or the little princess back! The child who got tired from walking and begged me to carry her. The one who eyed other kids with disdain when they got too close to her daddy. The one who had to talk to me the entire time about any little thing that crossed her mind.

But I knew there was no turning back the clock. She had become her own little lady, and I had no other choice but to accept it.

Then, the most shocking even occurred. She chose not to go Trick or Treating!

Instead, she stayed inside with me and curled up next to me on the couch while we watched an assortment of sitcoms (she hates scary movies) in between the overly anxious doorbell rings of the next generation of Trick or Treaters.

Although she wanted to go out with her friends, she lacked the motivation to scour the night to find them. So, instead, she chose me over the candy and the friends.

In that instant, the magic of Halloween returned. I know I won’t have nights like these, when she chooses to hang out with dear old dad, for much longer. She is growing up, and it’s natural for her to spread her wings and fly.

But for that moment, for that Halloween night, I longed for no other place than to have my adorable little puppy once again curled up in my arms before she started drifting off to sleep just like she used to—cradled in her daddy’s arms.

No treat could ever be better!

Andrew Christian’s 7 Deadly Sins

Andrew Christian has some new videos out on YouTube, promoting his new line of underwear. Each video highlights one of the seven deadly sins (perfect for Halloween), and they’re pretty hot. I’m ready to head out and buy some new undies just in time for trick and treating!

If you want to purchase some for you or your man, here’s the link to his website.

My personal favorite is Gluttony.


Envy comes in second


Lust, Vanity, and Greed tie for third

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw0D4xXv6nA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PfWbJhtfv4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwDoiRBwUTk

Wrath and Sloth close out the series

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtpTG_0WYj8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wdeAVlViak


Top 5 Weirdest Halloween Costumes

I’m attending two Halloween parties this weekend, and our costumes hit a bit of a snafu when they arrived yesterday. Let’s just say, spandex is not my best friend! So, it’s time to return to the drawing board. My husband is trying his best to salvage the situation. True to form, I retreat to my computer when faced with any form of manual labor–including reworking a costume.

So while he toils and troubles, I hit the Internet to find the weirdest costumes I could find–at least weirder than me in spandex.

Beach Man

#1 Beach Man

Does anyone else find it bizarre that this individual thought to attach an assortment of beach parephernelia to his body and call it a costume? I don’t typically pass by a sandbox and think: hey, I could wear that! But I’m weird that way.

What also bothers me here is that I have absolutely no idea what that monkey shaped disc covering his junk is. I don’t really want to find out, but it definitely could have been bigger. And I don’t even want to take a gander and what’s covering his rear. If I had to guess, I would say nothing, and that’s just too scary to contemplate!

I will give this man kudos, however, for daring to wear (much less be photographed) in this outfit. I wore my spandex clad costume for thirty seconds, and that was thirty seconds too long. There was no way anyone was going to see me in that!


Frog costume#2 Frog Lady?

This costume confuses me for more than how ridiculous it looks. I’m uncertain what it’s supposed to be. It looks somewhat like a frog, but from what I know about amphibian anatomy, they don’t have more than four legs. This one appears to have eight!

Perhaps it’s a bizarre frog/spider hybrid, but whatever it is, it needs to hop away.

The green track suit alone is enough to elicit screams of terror!


The Crapper#3 Mr. Crapper

First of all, I don’t even want to know how the idea for this costume came up! Far too many gross possibilities swirl their way to the top of my thinktank.

I must, however, give this costume points for ingenuity even though the whole concept seems like a bad idea to me!

You just know that some drunk fool at the party is going to attempt to pee on him or worship at his throne after too much imbibing.

He’s just an accident waiting to happen, and considering how he’s dressed, he’s really just asking for it!


#4 WTF

Words fail me.

I simply have no clue as to what this is.

I see two men in see through spandex, proudly displaying what appears to be a leather speedo and a boxer brief. But I have no idea why one has two oversized red antennae (which resemble sausages) jutting from his head while holding the hand of his friend in yellow face paint and blue spandex.

I’m stumped!

Everything about this is wrong.


Boy in a pizza box

#5 Boy in a Pizza Box

Okay, so maybe this costume isn’t as weird as the others, but I just had to include it!

It’s certainly minimalistic, but a great idea for what I can only assume is a college Halloween party.

College students sometimes lack funds to go all out for costumes, but he certainly made do with what he had–a pizza box no doubt left lying in his dorm room for the past week.

The good thing about this costume though is that it makes me want a slice of pizza or at the very least some pepperoni.









Siri Speaks: The Top 10 Responses

Many of you have no doubt heard (if not already purchased) the iPhone 4s. If you haven’t, the new phone comes with a personal assistant named Siri. Apparently, when you click the iPhone button, you can summon Siri to schedule appointments, make calls, send texts, and a number of other functions all by simply speaking to the phone. Talk about hands free!

Siri can sometimes be a smart acre, and she knows just how to respond to inappropriate questions.

Here are some of my favorites that I found at Shit that Siri Says.


Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor Haunted Ship

I came across this YouTube video from the Ellen DeGeneres show, where she sent one of the show’s writers and the writer’s mother to a haunted ship. The video is hilarious, and it makes me want to hop a plane and experience the haunted ship for myself.

Take a gander if you love watching people’s reactions where they’re scared out of their minds.


via Towleroad