Ron Paul: “Government Has No Business in Private Lives”

Ron Paul, Republican Presidential hopeful, recently gave an interview to Iowa State Daily, where the topics of gay rights and gays in the military came up.

When asked about gay rights, Paul had this to say:

You know I just, I don’t think of people in little groups like that. I don’t think of people as ‘gay’ here and ‘black people’ there, or ‘women’ over here…Everybody is an individual person and everybody has the same rights as anyone else. The government has no business in your private life, you know, so if one person is allowed to do something so should everyone else. The whole gay marriage issue is a private affair and the federal government has no say.”

It’s nice to hear a Presidential candidate (even if he’s not the most popular) go on record stating that all people, including homosexuals, have the right to do what they please in their private lives. Paul is keenly aware that an individual’s private life should not be subject to federal government scrutiny or legislation. Labels based on sexuality, race, and gender have no meaning when it comes to governmental rule.


When asked about how he would address gays in the military if he became president, Paul thoughtfully made the following reply:

Well, like I said, everybody has the same rights as everybody else, so homosexuals in the military isn’t a problem. It’s only if they’re doing things they shouldn’t be, if they’re disruptive. But there’s … men and women getting into trouble with each other too. And there’s a lot more heterosexuals in the military, so logically they’re causing more trouble than gays. So yes, you just have the same rules for everybody and treat them all the same.”

Once again, Paul sees the situation for what it is. Gay service members make up a fraction of the military; homosexuals are a minority, after all. Therefore, the problems in the military can’t be squarely blamed on a DADT repeal. It’s just as ridiculous to say that gay marriage threatens traditional marriage when heterosexuals alone have caused the divorce rate to skyrocket.

Unlike Santorum, who continues to spout crap, crap, and more crap or Cain who’s also known for making some idiotic claims, Paul’s words show that his decisions are not based on prejudice or hate. That’s the kind of individual who should be leading the nation because he will govern for every citizen, not just those who are the most like him.

via Towleroad

Santorum: No Consensual Sexual Activity Allowed

Once again, Rick Santorum opens his mouth and crap comes spewing out. His toilet must be jealous of the waste it’s not collecting!

ThinkProgress reports that in an interview on a conservative radio show Santorum said, “he still opposes the Supreme Court’s landmark 2003 Lawrence decision, which struck down … legislation” that criminalized sodomy.

He continued to add more steaming hot pies to his pile, when he said, “We can’t do this, we can’t have a constitutional right to consensual sexual activity, no matter what it is.”

Are you kidding me? Does he even know what he’s saying?

He is basically spouting that there should be no rights to consensual sex. Does that mean all sex between two consenting adults should be criminalized? Will straight people getting their freak on now be in danger of being sent to prison in Santorum’s America? After all, there’s no right “to consensual sexual activity.”

Obviously, this man makes no sense, and he wants to be President? Please!

This man needs to just stop talking and go away.


Do You Have a Big Bad Wolf?

I ran across the new video by Duck Sauce today called “Big Bad Wolf.” You may remember Duck Sauce’s previous video “Barbra Streisand.”

“Big Bad Wolf” is similar in style. The only lyrics to the song are the title words, but the video is rather, well, interesting. At first, you get a bit tired of the same three words being uttered, but get past it. Focus on the characters and their big bad wolves. When you make it to the club scene where the guys meet the girls, you’ll be glad you stuck around.


In NH: House Bill Passes to Repeal Marriage Equality

ThinkProgress reports sad news for gay marriage. The House Judiciary Committee in New Hampshire voted today (11-6) to repeal marriage equality in the state. This vote comes in complete surprise since the majority of the state’s residents favor marriage equality by 60%. Click here to read more about the vote.

Even Craig Stowell, a Republican who is also co-chair of Standing Up for New Hampshire Families says that “There is no reason to overturn New Hampshire’s popular marriage law that simply protects all families and treats all loving couples equally. This isn’t a so-called compromise and it completely ignores voters’ wishes to leave this issue alone and get back to the real business of the state.”

Still, hope remains on the horizon. “The vote didn’t pass with even the majority necessary to override the governor’s veto, meaning this effort to undermine New Hampshire families lacks momentum as Republicans and Democrats are united in bipartisan opposition,” according to local reports.

The bill heads to a full vote in January, so we can only hope that the people of New Hampshire will make their voices heard to stop marriage equality from being destroyed in their state.

“Family” Groups: Suicide Helplines Promote Homosexuality

The Trevor Project is a national organization providing crisis intervention for gay youth. At a time when more and more young Americans are ending their lives in part due to their sexuality, such an organization should be finding supporters from every corner of the country. After all, no child should contemplate ending his or her life even before it has a chance to truly begin. No parent wants that, whether they are pro- or anti-gay supporters.

Apparently, two family groups–The American Family Association and the Florida Family Association–disagree. As reported by ThinkProgress, the AFA and the FFA believe “that the Trevor Project is ‘recruiting teens and children to become gay’ through its suicide prevention hotline.”

Can you believe this?

The Trevor Project’s sole purpose is to provide a lifeline for the youth who are contemplating killing themselves. This organization and its volunteers have no hidden agenda other than preventing needless deaths. They offer a sympathetic ear for troubled teens. They aren’t looking to fulfill some recruitment quota like armed forces recruiters.

Still, the FFA is incensed that an advertisement for The Trevor Project is aired during a Teen Nick program called “Degrassi,” which features a transgendered teen, and they are angry at Target for sponsoring the ad.

Since the show’s focus group are teens, it makes sense for the ad to appear during this slot. The ad doesn’t advocate homosexuality; it offers hope to a struggling teen who might be watching the show and who might be contemplating suicide. And Target shouldn’t be boycotted for this, as the FFA is calling for in its form letter.

Target should be on the receiving end of praise not criticism.

Trying to prevent a child from ending his or her life should be the primary focus here, but once again, hate and ignorance reign supreme.

Gay Marriage in Hawaii?

The Advocate reports “A near majority of voters in Hawaii, the first state to enter the marriage equality fray in the 1990s, now support full marriage rights for gays and lesbians, according to a recent poll.”

Based on the numbers, 49% of Hawaii residents support legalizing gay marriage in the state. If so, Hawaii would join Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Iowa, and Vermont (and Washington D.C.), where it is also legal for homosexual couples to get married.

Hawaii is already a great vacation spot for homosexuals. What other state can beat those beaches and the weather? Add gay marriage to the mix and there are sure to be many celebrations held on those magical beaches.

If Hawaii did join the other 6 states and legalize marriage, I forecast Hawaii’s tourism income to increase exponentially. After all, homosexual couples have more expendable income and are always looking for a good reason to vacation somewhere gay friendly.

In fact, if gay marriage was legal throughout the nation, the country would benefit greatly from the wedding registry purchases, extensive floral arrangements, and the many themed weddings. That would be one way to stimulate the economy!



Top 5 Costume Ideas for Halloween

It’s hard to believe, but Halloween is right around the corner. In the spirit of the season, and for those of you looking for last minute costume ideas, I wanted to share what costumes I would love to see at the parties this year.

Princess Beatrice's ugly hat#1 Princess Beatrice

There would be few sights more frightening this Halloween than walking down a dark alley and seeing this hat coming at you. I think I’d rather cross paths with Jason, Michael Myers, or a whole herd of zombies from AMC’s “Walking Dead.”

So, if you really want to scare your friends, this would be a good costume for you. It really wouldn’t take too much to duplicate this outfit either.

Find something octopus shaped, dye it a tacky beige, and attach it to a hat you already hate (which has also been dyed the same awful color). Once you’ve assembled the fugly hat, get a red wig, darken your eyes like a raccoon, and then buy some hideous outfit at Goodwill.

Tada! Instant horror show!

Lindsay Lohan in jail

#2 Lindsay Lohan in jail

While not as frightening as Princess Beatrice, this one would be an instant hit at any party–just like Lindsay!

What would be more fun than tossing back a few drinks next to a drunken and staggering celebrity?

It wouldn’t take too much effort to copy this either. Simply take your old, orange correctional jumpsuit out of the closet (or borrow one from a more worldly friend), do your hair all purdy, slather on bronzer and eye make up, and then top it all off with a bottle of liquor for each hand.

Then go about the party talking trash about your family and pissing everyone off by being rude. No one will take it personally because, well, you’ll be in character.


Marcus and Michele Bachmann#3 Marcus and Michele Bachmann

This costume would be ideal for a straight couple or a gay and his fruit fly of choice. This pairing could be the new dynamic duo and rival all those gay Batman and Robin’s circling the spiked punch bowl. Not only that, but these costumes have the potential to be even creepier than Princess Beatrice, if done right.

The Marcus costume would be easy. Simply put a gay man in a suit and have him act super effeminate (if he doesn’t already!). For Michele, the important part of the costume will be the wide, crazy eyes. Without those, you would simply be another woman in a Junior League pantsuit and a string of pearls.

When put together, anyone talking to you at the party will be creeped out by the constantly wide-eyed and grinning idiot with her arm around the man who wants to be the new First Lady.

Anthony Weiner#4 Representative Anthony Weiner

Since the former Republican Representative from New York sent out Twitter pics of his junk, his life hasn’t been the same, but thankfully for Halloween, it would make a fabulous costume that would have fellow party goers laughing. It might also get you a date or two!

This costume would be fun, hilarious, and well, scary, depending on how big of a Weiner (hehe) you decided to be. It would also be easy to duplicate! Simply wear a suit and tie on top and wear only grey boxer briefs for your bottoms. Then walk around taking Twit pics of your manhood and forwarding them to your friends.

If a couple is there as Michele and Marcus Bachmann, a Twitter pic of the three of you would be golden!


Occupy Wallstreet Protester# 5 Occupy Wallstreet Protester and NYC Officer

This is another good idea for a couple or even a group of friends, and you can make a political statement while doing it. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone!

As for copying this idea, there are far too many to be mentioned. Dressing as a NYC cop would be easy. All you would need is the police uniform and a taser to subdue those unruly protesters.

To be a protestor, you would need signs such as “I am the 99%,” “Wall Street Needs Adult Supervision,” or any other catch phrase. Then, dress up in torn clothing or walk about without a shirt (quite symbolic). Then, all you would need to do is piss off your friend dressed as the cop and be tased to the delight of your fellow guests.

I hope to see these costumes at the two Halloween parties I’m attending. If not, I will be extremely disappointed. As for what I’m wearing, well, you’ll have to find me at the Halloween parties and find out for yourself.

NOM Looking to Derail Same Sex Marriage in Iowa

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has spent approximately $15,000 in the Iowa state election to help stop same sex marriages, as reported by ThinkProgress. NOM’s goal is to oust Democrat Liz Mathis by channeling funds into Republican Cindy Golding’s campaign. If they can “eliminat[e] the Democratic majority in the Iowa Senate, the state will have the support necessary to ban same-sex marriage in Iowa’s constitution.”

Thousands of homosexual couples have been married in Iowa since same sex marriage was made legal in 2009, and the state hasn’t suffered drought, famine, or pestilence. In fact, no heterosexual marriages or families have been threatened by Adam and Steve saying “I Do.”

Still, NOM President Brian Brown stated:

“This is a pivotal election contest in our battle to allowing the people of Iowa the opportunity to vote to restore marriage. A proposed constitutional amendment on defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman enjoys broad-based, bi-partisan legislative and voter support, but is being prevented from coming to the floor of the Senate by Majority Leader Mike Gronstal. If Ms. Golding is successful in her election, we are hopeful that Senators will finally have the opportunity to vote on the marriage amendment, and we expect it to pass handily.

I find it frightening that this group channels funds into state elections in order to advance their national agendas. They are willing to utilize all their resources to make sure that loving couples are denied basic civil rights simply because they don’t agree. Is this really any different than the KKK rousing support and funds to make sure civil rights were continually denied for African American citizens?

I think not.

Civil Rights should be guaranteed for every American, no matter their age, race, religion, or sexual orientation. This isn’t a country where we can pick and choose who gets what freedom, yet this seems to be the type of country NOM is fighting for.

Underwear Goes Green (Eco-Friendly, not moldy!)

Underwear designer, Richard Dayhoff (click here to visit the official Facebook page), has created a new line of performance underwear for working out.

As reported by Racked, the super sexy undies are “Made from recycled Japanese poly fibers, the eco-friendly moisture management system rapidly transports perspiration to the outer surface; therefore the inner layer remains dry making his Performance line the ultimate sportswear underwear. This keeps the fabric feeling fresh and lightweight, not to mention its ability to retain its shape due to the incredible memory of the fabric.”

I rarely wear underwear to the gym simply because I don’t enjoy the feel of schweddy balls, but I might just give these a try, especially when you consider how they look on the models! They certainly make me feel very schweddy!


In NY and CT: Methodists Support Same Sex Marriage

As reported on Towleroad, Methodist clergy in New York and Connecticut will ignore their church’s stand on same sex marriage and begin performing marriage ceremonies for homosexual couples. The clergy have the backing of many of their congregation, who also stand “in defiance of the denomination’s ban, to support same-sex marriage.”

These individuals defend their stand, as stated on their website Methodists In New Directions (MIND), by quoting from Dr. Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,”Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

King’s astute observations about racial inequality stand true today for inequality for homosexuals, and MIND wholeheartedly agrees:

Yet injustice continues to threaten us, in the United States and in the United Methodist Church.  The recognition of the full humanity, sacred worth, and equal rights of gay and lesbian people is crucial to the civil rights struggle of our time. Gay, lesbian, and straight United Methodist laity and clergy are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.  The continuing denial of full access to all the rights and privileges of church membership in the United Methodist Church is causing deep spiritual harm to our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters and is a threat to us all.

To prove their dedication to true equality, members of MIND made the following declaration:

Pastoral care and the sacraments and rituals of the church are means of grace by which the lives of all Christians are blessed by God. Therefore we, as congregations and as individual laypersons and clergy, declare our commitment to offer such means of grace to all persons on an equal basis. We refuse to discriminate against any of God’s children and pledge to make marriage equality a lived reality within the New York Annual Conference, regardless of sexual orientation or gender expression.

Afterwards, they then asked all the clergy and laity, who support this pledge to sign the document. To view the full list of signers, click here. (The list is pleasantly long.)

To see such proclamations by church leaders fills me with hope. It’s nice to read that there are church officials who recognize the inequality endorsed by many churches and who are willing to make a stand against prejudice and ignorance, even if it means opposing their own leaders.

People in New York and Connecticut should be proud of their Methodist Church leaders.