Dan Savage to Cain: Some Proof Being Gay Isn’t a Choice

As you no doubt already know, Herman Cain, Republican Presidential hopeful, believes homosexuality is a choice as well as a sin.

Well, Dan Savage, author, journalist, and editor, wants to provide Cain with scientific evidence that being gay isn’t a choice. I think his experiment is genius and will solve the argument once and for all.

Dan Savage posted the following on The Slog:

Dear Herman,

If being gay is a choice, show us the proof. Choose it. Choose to be gay yourself. Show America how that’s done, Herman, show us how a man can choose to be gay. Suck my dick, Herman. Name the time and the place and I’ll bring my dick and a camera crew and you can suck me off and win the argument.

Very sincerely yours,

Dan Savage

If Cain is able to oblige Savage’s request, then homosexuality can certainly be a choice. However, no straight man, who truly loves lady parts, is going to stop petting his favorite kitty in order to walk someone else’s dog.

Savage knows that, I know that, you know that. Hopefully, when Cain reads this, he will know it too!


Students in TN Allowed to Wear GSA Shirts

You may remember I posted about Sequoyah HS in Tennessee, where a student was assaulted by his principal for wearing a GSA shirt. (Click here to see the post).

According to Towleroad, students at Sequoyah HS will now be allowed to wear shirts in support of a Gay Straight Alliance.

The ACLU released the following statement: “The Monroe County Board of Education agreed yesterday to allow students to wear T-shirts in support of the formation of a gay-straight alliance (GSA) at the school. The board will also review its dress code to ensure that students’ rights to free speech are protected.” 

Chris Sigler, the student who was assaulted, had this to say about the school board’s decision:

“A lot of kids get harassed at our school because they’re gay or they have gay friends, and we just want a space where we can all support each other and do something creative. We still want the GSA to be recognized as a club, but at least now the school won’t punish us for peacefully expressing our opinions.”

I’m glad to see that some progress is being made here. Still, even though the school administration can’t officially do anything to these students, I worry how the students will be treated overall. The vitriol the principal expressed at the GSA didn’t just go away; he simply lost his fight against the shirts. No word yet has been received whether or not a GSA will be formed at Sequoyah HS, but in light of recent events, I’d say one is definitely needed.

Herman Cain: Homosexuality Washes Off

ThinkProgress reported that in an interview with Piers Morgan on CNN Presidential Republican front runner Herman Cain still believes that homosexuality is both a sin and a choice. In fact, during the interview Cain once again reiterated that he has seen no science to disprove his belief, despite the fact that the American Psychological Association says that it is not. They have many studies (AKA science) to back them up.

In fact, “when Morgan pushed him that race and sexual orientation were comparable, Cain explained that race is different because it ‘doesn’t wash off.'”

I don’t know about you, but I’ve taken many showers and not once have I emerged as a heterosexual (even when I tried to force it before coming out). Cain continues to reside quite happily in his ignorance and prejudice and is unwilling to accept the many documented studies by an august medical association, such as the APA. To claim that a section of the American public, whom he wants to govern, can simply change their sexual orientation by showering is preposterous.

Just as taking a shower won’t cleanse Cain of his prejudice, a good scrub won’t make me (or any other gay individual) straight.

Here’s the interview if you want to see it.


Movie Trailer: Red State

I recently saw this trailer for Red State, a new movie by Kevin Smith. The story is set in America, where a group of teens are invited over to an older woman’s house for sex. They get far more than they bargain for as they are captured by a hyper-religious cult.

The trailer intrigues me, especially considering I live in America in one of the reddest states of the union. I think most of us can think of a few towns, where we might see this movie taking place.

God: It Getteth Better

A few days ago, I posted about a new book releasing on November 1, 2011 titled The Last Testament: A Memoir By God written by David Javerbaum. (Click here to read the post, which includes a preview.)

Simon & Schuster, who are publishing the book, released this YouTube video from God who wanted to add his voice to the “It Gets Better Campaign.”

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

In Spain: Catholic Church Linked to Baby Trafficking

BBC News reported on a recently discovered scandal in Spain. Starting in the 1930’s and continuing on into the 1990’s, babies were often stolen at birth by nuns and priests working in hospitals and sold to wealthier, “more desirable” families.

Apparently, “The practice of removing children from parents deemed ‘undesirable’ and placing them with ‘approved’ families, began in the 1930s under the dictator General Francisco Franco. At that time, the motivation may have been ideological. But years later, it seemed to change – babies began to be taken from parents considered morally – or economically – deficient. It became a money-spinner, too…Nuns and priests compiled waiting lists of would-be adoptive parents, while doctors were said to have lied to mothers about the fate of their children.”

Soooooo, gay marriage is a threat to the family the Catholic Church has been spouting about, huh?

I haven’t heard about the Human Rights Campaign or the Metropolitan Community Church stealing babies from the families who created them! I guess the Catholic Church can’t say the same thing.

Not only were the priests and nuns in Spain stealing babies, but they also kept “a dead baby… in a freezer at the San Ramon clinic, supposedly to show mothers that their child had died.” I guess once a baby dies, some church leaders have little trouble desecrating the body of an innocent for their own selfish means. To make matters even worse, now that the scandal has been exposed, hundreds of exhumed graves reveal “empty coffins” or coffins filled with “adult remains.”

When you consider that the number of babies stolen surpasses 300,000, it makes you wonder exactly how fitting Catholic Church leaders are to decide who is moral or immoral.

Still, even with all this information, I know in my heart that the Catholic Church is not inherently bad. Misguided? Maybe. Bad? No. Those church leaders linked to these awful crimes are in no way a representation of the Catholic Church as a whole. We can’t declare the Catholic Church as a threat to the family based on the actions of a few individuals. To make such an argument would be ridiculous, illogical, and prejudiced.

No one group can be a threat to the family–not the Catholics and not even the homosexuals.

Santorum: I’m Like Abraham Lincoln

As mentioned on Unicorn Booty, Rick Santorum, Republican Presidential hopeful, equated his fight against gay marriage to Abraham Lincoln’s stance against slavery.

Apparently incensed by fellow candidate Herman Cain’s refusal to support a national ban on gay marriage, Santorum issued the following response:

I have been a long-time advocate for states’ rights. However, I believe as Abraham Lincoln did – that states don’t have the rights to legalize moral wrongs…Mr. Cain, Congresswoman (Michele) Bachmann and Governor (Rick) Perry all believe 50 different definitions of marriage is fine, I strongly disagree and will continue fighting for traditional marriage between one man and woman.

It appears Santorum has a skewed perception of reality and himself!

Abraham Lincoln refused to let the nation be torn apart by prejudice and hate. Yes, the south wanted to continue slavery, and the slave states fought to keep the right to own human beings as property. Lincoln knew better. Owning another person was just plain wrong. He wouldn’t allow the atrocity to continue, and he wasn’t about to let his country be torn apart by those who thought they knew better.

Santorum is no Abraham Lincoln. His fight against gay marriage doesn’t side him with Lincoln (whose statue would rise from the Lincoln Memorial to squash him like a bug if it could). If Santorum wants to make comparisons to the issues that helped bring about Civil War in America, then his stance would align him with the slave states, not with Lincoln!

Like the slave states of Lincoln’s time, Santorum (and others like him) wish to continue to deprive a segment of the American population of their civil rights. Like the slave states, Santorum sanctions the creation of second class citizens. Like the slave states viewed Africans brought to this country against their will, Santorum views homosexuals as unclean and immoral.

And, since history has a way of repeating itself, like the slave states, Santorum will fall!

The Right to Love: An American Family–Movie Trailer

Below is a trailer for a documentary set to release in 2012. It chronicles the fight of one gay couple as they struggle to battle Prop 8 in California. Amidst the turmoil of the struggle for Gay Marriage Equality, this gay couple fights back through home movies, showing that they are no different than any other married couple.