Mark Bryan
Hi, everyone. My name’s Mark Bryan. Have you noticed how seriously fu–, um, fouled up our country is right now? Yikes! I almost messed up on that one. We’ve all gotta watch our language, you know? I don’t know about you, but I’m not looking to violate the moral code of purity with profanity. Who needs a moral violation right now? I sure don’t! I’ve got enough on my plate with trying to finish grad school and working. I don’t need the moral foot patrol complicating my day. I just want to be left alone. That’s why I do my best to fly under the Moral Authority’s radar and be the perfect little citizen Uncle Sam is always telling us to be. Speaking of Uncle Sam, what’s with all these new moral awareness posters going up everywhere? It’s getting to where you can’t even walk down the street without Uncle Sam’s beady eyes following you. If I have to stare down that bony, accusatory finger of his one more time, I don’t know what I’d do. Maybe join those “domestic terrorists” in the Human Rights Campaign. Yeah, right. Like that’ll ever happen. I’m no one special, but I hope to be someday. I want to make a difference. Change this country. But attacking it like the HRC isn’t going to get me anywhere but killed. I have to be smarter than that. We all do. If we want to stay alive. And I don’t know about you, but that’s exactly what I intend to do.
Hello. I’m Isaac Montoya. Lots of people these days are saying that America might be in trouble. That our golden moral age is being threatened by the HRC and their terrorist attacks against moral law. What do I think? I think change is coming. It’s an eventuality. Speaking like this could get me arrested for breaking the moral code of loyalty, but it’s time for different voices to be heard. Not just the voice the government thinks they give us. At the same time, though, we have to be careful. Being too brash leads to a stay in moral prison. Or worse. Like those containment camps I’ve been hearing about. I definitely don’t want to wind up there! That’s why it’s important to work within the system. Or at least appear that way. That’s all that really matters in America now anyway. As long as you appear to follow the rules, you’re left alone. And when I’m left alone to my own devices, well, lots of things can be accomplished.
I bid each and every one of you a good day. I am Samuel Pleasant, the Supreme High Chancellor of the Moral Authority, the august branch of government responsible with the moral direction of our great country and its citizens. I’ve heard many rumblings in recent weeks, if not months, about this Human Rights Campaign. They attack moral law, so they claim, to bring true freedom back to America. To silence the voice of moral law that they feel is a faceless, oppressive tyrant. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I, and the other High Chancellors, stand before you, unmasked. You know us. And our families. Like any other public official, we have nothing to hide. The HRC does. They operate in the shadows. Using fear and chaos as weapons. Against truth and morality, their tactics will not work. I know many Americans fear that change is coming. But do not fear the change. I ask you to embrace it. For change is coming. It’s just not what the Human Rights Campaign thinks it will be.
Follow Mark, Isaac, and Samuel into the pages of Moral Authority on sale May 22, 2013 from Wilde City Press.