A.E. Via is here on my blog today, where she will be talking about her latest release Blue Moon: Too Good to Be True. She’s even provided an excerpt and there will be a giveaway. How awesome!

Angel DeLucca is one of the most sought after gay bachelors in Virginia Beach. He’s smart successful, lethal, and more than anything he’s drop dead gorgeous. Angel has his pick of the men that come to his popular Oceanfront night club, but lately the one night stands haven’t been enough…Angel craves something deeper. When a one night hook-up goes terribly wrong, Angel comes into contact with the breathtaking Maximus (Max) Strong.
Max is a firefighter for the Virginia Beach Fire Department. Max is beautiful, charming, and also very straight. One meeting with the mysteriously, sexy Angel DeLucca and a whiff of that silky, jet black hair, Max finds himself questioning everything he’s known to be true about himself. Max tries desperately to understand the new feelings he has for another man and turns to his gay, older brother…Ryker.
Ryker has always been Max’s protector and his guide their entire lives, which has left him feeling uncared for and alone to handle his own life’s problems. Ryker craves to be taken care of, he craves the attention and praise of a Master. No one knows the dark desires within him until Angel’s Chief of Security, Sebastian ‘Bass’ Bagatelli, shatters that secret with their first intense encounter.
How will Angel win the heart of the straight firefighter that was tailor-made just for him? Will Max be able to continue denying his feelings for another man? Can Ryker and Bass get through their personal issues to take and receive what they both need from each other? Or will they each give up on a happiness that appears too good to be true?
These men’s stories will unravel in a whirlwind of romance, bdsm, revelations, lots of action and very hot sex, co-starring very entertaining supporting characters.
Word Count: 89,513
A.E. Via graduated in May of 2008 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Virginia Wesleyan College.
She’s a new author to the beautiful gay erotic genre. Her writing embodies everything from spicy to scandalous. Her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.
When she’s not clicking away at her laptop, A.E. runs a very successful paralegal-for-hire business and in her spare time, she devotes herself to her family – a husband and four children – her two pets, a Maltese dog and her white Siamese cat, ELynn, named after the late great gay romance author ELynn Harris.
While Blue Moon is her first novel, she has plenty more to come…so sit back and grab a cool drink, because the male on male action is just heating up!
My Links to all my social media pages and blogs can be found on my website which is updated daily; it seems that I register daily for a new literary club. http://www.authoraevia.com
Blue Moon Too Good to Be True – Excerpt from Chapter Nine
Max seemed very comfortable at dinner and Angel’s stomach was finally relaxed. He was no longer concerned about Max being skeptical about being on a date with a man. He even held Angel’s hand while the waitress took their order, and stole little feels under the table. Angel was not oblivious to the eyes that tracked his man as they walked through the large restaurant. Max didn’t realize how strikingly handsome he was. Decked out head-to-toe in Gucci damn near made Max edible.
After dinner was over Max suggested they walk along the boardwalk for a while. Angel always enjoyed walking on the beach, but he’d never had anyone to do it with. When they got to the boardwalk Max put his hand in Angel’s and they began to walk. All these people around and he’s not the least bit uncomfortable. Angel walked with his man in silence, both content with breathing in the salty air and listening to the waves crash against the surface.
After fifteen blocks they realized they were completely alone, no one else venturing down this far. The few businesses on this end were already closed for the evening, giving them some privacy. Max turned and leaned against the railing, pulling Angel against him. I wish I knew what he was thinking when he looked at me like that, Angel thought.
Then Max was kissing him passionately, holding him tight against his strong chest. This kiss was unlike the others. This kiss was making promises to Angel, promising him forever. Angel felt the overwhelming urge to be claimed by this magnificent man in the most primal, animalistic way. I need him now, I can’t wait any longer, I have to have him inside of me.
“Your hair is so beautiful, Angel, I think it’s becoming my weakness,” Max said into Angel’s neck. “It reminds me of Antonio Banderas in the movie Interview with a Vampire.”
Angel chuckled. Now that’s new. “Oh really. Did you find him sexy, baby?” Angel looked into Max’s eyes. He already considered this man his.
“No…I find you hot…only you,” he confessed.
“Come back with me to my house, Max. You have no idea what I want…no…what I need to do to you right now.” Angel didn’t care if he was begging again, he would beg this man forever. The raw edge of his voice betrayed his composure. He had none when it came to Max. It frightened him and thrilled him simultaneously. What if he doesn’t think he can actually bring himself to fuck another man? What if we can only take this relationship so far…fuck.
“Yes, I would love to spend the night with you.” Max cut off Angel’s last thought.
Author’s Comments
This is definitely one of my favorite excerpts from the book. I’ve read hundreds of gay romance novels from SciFi to Western. I’m always astonished on when and how the men show their affection, express their feelings, and display their wants. My favorite character Angel is as alpha male as they come. His hair may be long and luxurious but he’s far from feminine…you’ll see that in the fight scenes.
In this piece Angel is recognizing that what he’s been wanting and looking for for so long is right there in front of him…he’s not going to let male bravado stall his needs. He tells Maximus: “You have no idea what I want…no…what I need to do to you right now.”
I have been a fan of insta-love for many years. I like to see the characters relationship grow of the course of the novel…not wait for a MC to drop the machismo swag…then fall in love in chapter thirty. Men aren’t afraid to love fast and love hard…at least my men aren’t.
I hope you have enjoyed or will enjoy Blue Moon because although there is love (not annoyingly mushy) there is plenty of intriguing twist, a little domination and submission, and packed with kick ass action scenes.
I’d love to hear what you think.
p.s. Just in case you’re wondering…no…all my books will not be insta-love…I do like a little angst and sexual tension too. *smiling*
Happy Reading,
A.E. Via Blue Moon Blog Tour
11/17/2013 Books, Books and More Books
11/18/2013 Coffee Time
11/19/2013 JP Barnaby
11/19/2013 Literary Nymphs
11/20/2013 Jacob Z. Flores
11/20/2013 Dawn’s Reading Nook
11/25/2013 Babbling About Books
11/26/2013 Guys Like Romance Too
11/27/2013 Lynley Wayne
11/29/2013 We Love Kink
12/2/2013 Mrs Condit Reads
12/3/2013 Top2Bottom
12/3/2013 Sid Love
12/4/2013 The Novel Approach
12/12/2013 Michael Rupured
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