3: The Blog Tour–Stop #6 MANtastic Fiction

It’s hard to believe that the blog tour is almost at its end. I’m sad and a bit tired, but I’ve been having SO much fun! For my second to the last stop, I’m at MANtastic Fiction, where I share some of what I’ve learned from my research writing 3. It’s called “Sex for 3.” It’s my top 3 rules for having, well, sex with 3. I hope you enjoy!

3: The Blog Tour–Stop #4 You Gotta Read Reviews

Today, I’m at You Gotta Read Reviews. If you’d like to read the interview, click here. During the interview I discuss what I wanted to be as a child and also share a blurb of my upcoming March/April release with Dreamspinner. As always, if you leave a comment, you are entered to win a free electronic copy of 3.

3: The Blog Tour–Stop #3 Mama Kitty Reviews

Mama Kitty Reviews is my third stop on my blog tour. I talk about my love of horror, authors who inspire me, and my top comfort reads. Click here if you’d like to read the interview, and don’t forget, if you leave a comment, you are automatically entered to win a free copy of 3.

3: The Blog Tour–Stop #1 RomFan Reviews

Today kicks off the first stop of my 7-day blog tour! I had a blast answering Annette’s questions at RomFan Reviews. Click here to read what I do to get ready to write and what my warning label and the title of my biography would be.

If you leave a comment at RomFan Reviews, you will be entered to win a free electronic copy of 3.

The 3 Blog Tour is Here!

Thanks to Annette Stone and the Author’s Assistant Agency, I will be going on a blog tour to promote 3.

The tour starts tomorrow, and those who comment at the various blogs are entered to win a free electronic copy of 3. The winner won’t be picked until the end of the blog tour, so if you leave a comment at each of the stops, you have 7 chances to win a free copy!

Here are my blog tour stops and dates:

10/23 RomFan Reviews www.romfanreviews.com
10/25 Literary Nymphs http://literarynymphshotlist.blogspot.com/ 
10/26 Mamma Kitty http://mamakittyreviews.com/
10/29 You Gotta Read Reviews http://yougottaread.com/
11/1 Romance Reviews Today http://www.romrevtoday.com/
11/5 Mantastic http://mantasticfiction.wordpress.com/
11/9 Book Wenches http://www.bookwenches.com/

Character Interview with Dutch Keller of 3

Today, I’ll be concluding my three-part interview series with characters from 3, which releases October 15, 2012, from Dreamspinner Press. I interviewed Justin Jimenez and Spencer Harrison in Parts 1 and 2 of the series. Those interviews can be found here and here.

Joining me today is struggling photographer Dutch Keller.

Dutch, I’m glad you were able to make it to the interview today. 

Dutch: Thanks, buddy. I appreciated being asked, but then I read the interviews you did with Justin and Spencer, and I thought about canceling.

Really? I thought the interviews went rather well.

Dutch: Oh, they did. You just asked some pretty tough questions. You have me kinda worried about what you’re gonna ask me.

Good. I was concerned I offended either Justin or Spencer.

Dutch: (laughing) Not at all. They’re big boys, although not as big as me (winks).

Why do I get the feeling you’re a bit of a flirt?

Dutch: I guess I kinda am, but it’s all in good fun.

Does that get you in trouble? Being such a big flirt?

Dutch: Hmmm, I’ve never really thought about it. I’m not much of a thinker. I’m not saying I’m stupid or anything, but I act mostly on impulse, with what feels good or right to me, whether it is or not. So, yeah, I guess it can get me in trouble. I’m a lot like Yosemite Sam in that way, at least that’s what my dad used to say.

Yosemite Sam? The angry little guy from Bugs Bunny with the red hair and a mustache?

Dutch: That’s the one.

Would you mind elaborating on that, please?

Dutch: Well, you remember how stubborn Yosemite Sam was? If he wanted to do something or go somewhere, he kept on trying to do it. No matter what Bugs did to stop him. That’s kind of the way I live. I charge through life with both barrels ready. Life’s short after all, so I try not to waste time weighing pros and cons on whether I should or shouldn’t do something. If I want to, I usually just do it. If not, then I don’t.

If I remember correctly, Yosemite Sam also possessed a pretty hot temper. Are you similar in that way too?

Dutch: Not really. I’m an easy going guy. I’m not quick to anger or anything like Sam was, but if someone’s intent on poking this bear, they better be prepared to deal with the consequences. Just because I may not want to fight doesn’t mean I won’t.

You mentioned earlier that your dad compared you to Yosemite Sam, and I couldn’t help but see the smile in your eyes when you mentioned him. Were you two close? 

Dutch: Oh, man, my dad was my best friend. I could always count on him to be there for me. As a kid, we always hung out together, just tossing the football or eating pizza. Those were good times. He also had no trouble showing me affection. Most dads are kinda distant with their sons. To try and teach them how to be a man, I guess. But not my dad, and I’m a better man for it. If I needed a hug, I got it, and he just knew I needed it. When I told him I was gay, I was worried how my big, man’s man dad would react, but he didn’t care. Didn’t miss one beat. He just nodded his head and laughed, saying how he should’ve bought me a Playgirl instead of a Playboy. He was my rock, you know? When he died, it was hard on us all.

He sounds like a great man, and it’s easy to see that his death still affects you deeply. What about the rest of your family? Are you all close?

Dutch: Yeah, we are. My mom recently passed away too, so it’s just me and my sister Heidi and my crazy niece and nephew. But they’re still living in Boston, and I’m here in San Antonio. It’s tough being so far away from my family, but Heidi and I talk at least twice a week, if not more.

It’s very obvious that your family dynamics differ greatly from Justin and Spencer’s. Spencer barely speaks to his family, and Justin hasn’t spoken to his father in years. But you seem to come from a loving family, who knew exactly how to show love and to remain together.

Dutch: Yeah. Justin and Spencer both had pretty tough childhoods. I feel for them sometimes.

Okay then, here’s my first tough question. You ready?

Dutch: Do I have a choice?

Not really. You come from such a loving family, with two parents who obviously loved each other and provided a good role model for a loving relationship, yet your love life is a veritable disaster. You became involved with Justin, who was for all intents and purposes a married man. How does someone who comes from such a functioning household fall into such dysfunctional relationships?

Dutch: Ouch.

I meant no offense, but you have to admit it’s a valid question.

Dutch: It is, but ouch all the same. I don’t know if I have an answer that’ll satisfy you, or anyone else. It’s true that I’ve gotten into some pretty bad relationships, and Justin wasn’t the first. Well, he’s the first “married” man, as you would say, that I’ve become involved with, but I approach my love life the same way I do everything else. Like Yosemite Sam. I wasn’t thinking about consequences or anything else. It just felt right, and I went with it. I don’t want anyone to think I intentionally set out to hurt anyone because that’s so far from the truth. I know that people did get hurt, and that’s part of what the book is about. Dealing with that guilt and what the consequences of my actions helped do to Justin and Spencer’s relationship. As well as to me.

I assume you’re referring to the fact that you “sought solace in a bottle” as the book’s blurb mentions?

Dutch: Yeah. Now that was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, and I paid the price for that too, but I won’t go into too much detail because that’ll be revealing more than I’m supposed to.

I understand. As the final question, the book blurb also mentions that “friendship, passion, and betrayal” are key components to the journey you, Justin, and Spencer undertake. With such a complicated dynamic already, can there really be friendship amidst the passion and betrayal that causes such heartache?

Dutch: Wow. Let me see if I can answer that without once again giving too much away. The three of us made some pretty big mistakes, individually as well as collectively. Those mistakes, or betrayals, rocked all of our worlds. We each paid a price for them, but I think that the reader will see three very flawed man, trying to survive the crapstorm that their lives have become. Granted, it’s one of their own making, but who hasn’t made a mistake? Who hasn’t done something they shouldn’t have and then tried to make it better? Whether it’s made better or not, we all try and that attempt comes from a good place, whether it’s motivated by love or friendship. The three of us aren’t any different really from anyone else. Justin, Spencer, and I are just trying to fix what we are all responsible for breaking. Whether we fix it or not, well, that I can’t say.

Dutch, thank you for stopping by. It’s been enlightening, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know you better. I wish you, Justin, and Spencer the best, and I also hope that there is happiness in your futures.

*blog post image from FreeDigitalPhotos.com by imagerymajestic

Character Interview with Spencer Harrison of 3

Today, we move to part 2 of our 3 part interview series of the main characters from the soon-to-be released novel from Dreamspinner Press. Last time, I interviewed Justin Jimenez. If you missed it, you can read the interview by clicking here.

Today, I’ll be sitting down with Spencer Harrison, Professor of Spanish and French at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas.

Spencer, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us here.

Spencer: Thank you for asking me to be here. I’m really quite excited!

That’s quite a difference from Justin. He told me he was extremely nervous and that he got lost trying to get to the interview.

Spencer: Yes, well, Justin gets lost in our neighborhood. I’ve never met anyone with such a poor sense of direction. Even though he’s lived in San Antonio his entire life, he asks me how to get somewhere.

So, I take it you have a much better sense of direction?

Spencer: (laughing) Oh, God, yes! Justin says I’m like a homing pigeon because I just instinctively know where to go. I’ve always been that way. Maybe it’s from growing up as an army brat. I’ve lived all over the country. Germany and England too. I guess when you live in so many different locales, you have to get used to finding your way around.

Tell us about your family life. What was your life like growing up? Do you have brothers and sisters or are you an only child like Justin?

Spencer: I have an older brother and younger sister, and we’re not close. My brother Brandon and I have a general loathing for each other, which is sad to say, but the truth nonetheless. I think Brandon knew I was gay before I did. He resented me for that. For not being the alpha male dad wanted me to be. In their eyes, I was weaker because I wasn’t good at sports and because I actually expressed emotions that I was feeling. Harrison men are reared to be cold, heartless killers, which makes them perfect soldiers but awful human beings.

What about your sister?

Spencer: Carolyn and I aren’t close either. She at least makes attempts, at times, to reach out, but she’s such a bitch that I rarely expend energy to deal with her. You see, the Harrison women turn into shrews as a defense mechanism. They have to find a way to cope with the dominance the Harrison men impose upon them. The men in my family expect women to be subservient and they treat women like property rather than people. It’s quite sad and embarrassing for me to be a part of a family still living in the 1950’s.

That sounds like quite the tough up-bringing. How has your family affected the person you are today?

Spencer: Truthfully? It’s screwed me up. I grew up not feeling close to anyone, as if I was on my own. Most people feel as if their families have their back. That no matter what they go through, they can go home or call mom or dad and get whatever support was needed to get through the tough times. I don’t have that, and I proceeded through life with that mentality. The only one I could ever count on was me.

So, how does that affect your love life? Does it present problems with your relationships?

Spencer: Most certainly. It’s very difficult for me to let people in. I tend to keep barriers between me and everyone else just because I’ve grown accustomed to doing that with my family. If you have to protect yourself from family, then why would anyone else be different? That’s why personal relationships have been so difficult for me. To be in a good, healthy relationship, you have to expose yourself to risk. You are literally placing your heart in someone else’s hands, and the prospect terrified me. It was something I really wanted to try though, especially once I went to undergrad at Rice, and I was surrounded by all these people who were exploring their young lives to the fullest while I holed up in my room, studying.

College is a transformative time for many people. It’s where we take our first tentative steps as adults, so it makes sense that you would make progress in your personal relationships. What happened?

Spencer: I met this guy named Mike in English class. He was gorgeous and really in to me. I wanted to let my guard down for him, but it was hard for me to lower walls I had spent years fortifying around my heart. Mike persisted though. He chipped away until I finally broke down; I fell head over heels in love with him. The feeling, however, wasn’t mutual, something I didn’t learn until a few years later. It left me devastated and more determined than ever to not let another person inside where they could hurt me.

Heartbreaks are a part of falling in love though, and we all open ourselves up to pain when we give ourselves to someone else. As agonizing as it may be, we learn from those failed relationships and carry those lessons with us into the relationships that follow. Mike may have hurt you, but you recovered and grew from it. All of which prepared you for falling in love with Justin. 

Spencer: I suppose that’s true, but nothing could have ever prepared me for the pain of Justin’s betrayal.

I doubt anything can ever prepare us for that kind of pain. You and Justin had been together for ten years when you learned about his affair with Dutch. In fact, the two of you had been rebuilding your relationship, which had almost fallen apart the previous year. And it was during that time of separation that Dutch entered Justin’s life.

Spencer: Is there a question here?

Yes, sorry. I know this is painful to talk about, but what I want to ask is this: can a relationship recover from this?

Spencer: I suppose it’s possible for some people to work through this, but our situation is unique in so many ways. I don’t want to give too much information away, but as much as I would love to make Justin the scapegoat, I can’t. We both broke our relationship. We did things as a couple we shouldn’t have done. But even beyond that, I hid secrets of my own, secrets that I thought were better kept to save our relationship, but they only made things worse.

And these secrets somehow included Dutch?

Spencer: Yes, but I can’t share those with you here. That would definitely be giving too much away!

Well, Spencer, we have reached the end of our interview. I appreciate the fact that you stopped by today and shared some rather personal information. You have me, and possibly some readers out there, wondering just what these secrets might be, but I wish you the best on a happy resolution to the recent problems in your life.

*blog post image FreeDigitalPhotos.net by Africa