Catholic Priest in Minnesota Argues For Gay Marriage

This past Sunday, Father Bob Pierson spoke to Catholics in Minnesota about why Catholics could vote no to the state’s anti-gay marriage amendment.

Father Pierson eloquently debunks common ecclesiastical beliefs on gay marriage.

He points out that the Catholic Church does NOT recognize civil marriage at all. Catholics who enter into marriages outside the church do not exist according to canonical law, whether they are gay or straight unions. Therefore, the Catholic Church, and any other church, should have no say what civil marriages a government recognizes. He further points out that reliable studies, not those sanctioned by bias, disprove that children are negatively affected by gay marriage. According to Pierson, love is love, regardless if parents are of same or opposite sex. And, finally, Pierson acknowledges that if gay marriage is recognized by the government, then the Catholic Church will have to follow government mandates on social services laws, if government money is used for those services. Neither the Catholic Church nor any other church or organization has any right to be excluded from government laws when government money is used. As he astutely states, that would lead to discrimination everywhere.

Father Pierson even uses words spoken in 1967 from “young theologian” Joseph Ratzinger, who is now Pope Benedict. Pierson said, “Our holy father taught in 1967 that we must obey our own conscience, even if it puts us at odds with the Pope. I doubt that he knew that he was going to be Pope when he said that.”

To me, Father Pierson represents the kind of man the Catholic Church needs as a leader, someone who not only understands canonical law, but who doesn’t believe any religion has a right to “force its teachings on others outside the fold.”

Here’s the video if you’d like to watch it.

(Story via Towleroad)

Watch “The Outs”

A few weeks ago, I was introduced to “The Outs.” It’s a six-episode web series produced and located in Brooklyn, NY. The tag line for the series is “Just because it’s over, doesn’t mean you’re over it.” Based on the first two episodes, which are only about 12 minutes long, the series focuses on relationships and their complexities. And even though we might not live on the East Coast, I’m sure we have all been where these characters are at one point in our lives, whether gay or straight.

The story lines are solid and the acting is well done. I’ve included the first two episodes here. The third episode is hopefully coming soon.

Rock of Ages TRAILER

When I was a teen in the land of the 80’s, hair bands were at the height of popularity. As most other teenagers, I spent hours watching MTV’s video countdown and waiting for my favorite Def Leppard, Heart, Whitesnake, or Bon Jovi video to hit the screen. Sadly, hair bands are no more, which is probably for the best, but the new movie-musical Rock of Ages hits theaters this weekend. If you loved 80’s hair bands like me, then you might be just as excited as I am to see this movie.

Music from Def Leppard, Journey, Foreigner, Poison, and Twisted Sister are featured and are used to tell the story about a small town girl and city boy who are trying to fulfill their dreams in rock.

Here’s the trailer.

New “Prometheus” Trailer

“Big things have small beginnings” is the new catch phrase for the upcoming Alien prequel Prometheus.

Based on the new trailer, we learn those small beginnings come in the form of ancient hieroglyphics discovered at an archaelogical dig, which lead to the exploration in space. This naturally lands them on the planet where the crew from The Nostromo headed to intercept the “distress call” that started the entire series.

This new trailer gives me goosebumps. I can’t wait!!!

If you want to read other posts/teasers on the movie, click here, here, and here.

“Game On”: Rick Santorum Video

I found this video courtesy of Towleroad, depicting one family’s music video endorsing Rick Santorum. After watching it, I knew I had to share it. Immediately.

With lyrical gems as “we’ve got a man who understands God gave the Bill of Rights” and “there is hope for our nation again; maybe the first time since Ronald Reagan,” who wouldn’t want to support Santorum as well as drink the cyanide laced punch provided at the video’s after party?

This video totally creeped me out. Anybody else?

Onion News Network: Funny Video

Jim and Tracy from The Onion News Network interview the wife of a fallen firefighter, who just happened to be a hottie. The interview and their dialogue are hilarious. I don’t know how they held it together.

Some of my favorite lines include:

  • “He was 35 years old, with 4% body fat, and a 42 inch chest”
  • “hunkalicious”
  • “his shirtless ghost will always be with me”
  • “rubbing oil on his chest and flexing for the angels”

I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did!

Second Class Citizen: “I Want to Know What It’s Like”

The clip above is from Ryan James Yezak, a film maker in California. The clip is titled “I Want to Know What It’s Like” and it addresses the plight of those who are bullied and/or discriminated on because of prejudice. It’s a moving video, narrated by actors speaking in poetic verse. The purpose of the video is to raise funds to shoot his film Second Class Citizen. The film is a documentary and according to Yezak, it will:

…encompass all areas in which we are discriminated against. The general population is not aware that discrimination against the gay community goes beyond marriage & bullying. There is far too much hate directed towards our community and I want to capture that hate on camera. In addition, I want to explore where this hate comes from, why it continues to exist, and what we must do to get rid of it. A better solution is needed because the solution we have right now isn’t working fast enough.

I hope you enjoyed the clip as much as I did, and I can’t wait to see the documentary.

New Alien Prequel “Prometheus” Clip: Peter Weyland

The above clip is a released scene from the new Alien Prequel “Prometheus.” Click here for previous posts and here for the trailer.

In the clip, Guy Pearce who plays Peter Weyland discusses his vision of the future. The clip obviously sets up Weyland as the bad guy, but if you’re a fan of Alien mythos you already knew that from his last name. Weyland-Yutani was the company Ripley worked for in the original Alien and the one she combated in subsequent movies.

I can’t wait for the movie’s release in June.