Disney Fun: Bloom Remix Video

I found this video on my morning trek through the blogs (courtesy of Unicorn Booty), and you have got to see it.

The YouTube video that I’ve placed in this post is the original version. Click on it to get it started, but then click here to run the video through the YoooouuuTuuube player, which brings up a new window that makes the video fantastic. After the video starts scrolling through your screen, make it full size and then “flux” it. The settings to do that can be found on the lower right hand corner of the screen. When you flux it, you can control the direction of the video with your mouse.

Have fun.

Equality and Love: Gay Marriage Documentary

This short YouTube video made by students for a course at California State University Long Beach contains interviews with various couples on love and marriage and what those mean to gay Americans in our nation. As one man in the video states, “We’re just people just like everyone else. Some of us are assholes and some of us are awesome. And some of us are just whatever. But what it comes down to is that we’re all just people. Just like you.”

(video via Towleroad)

Official Trailer for Prometheus–Alien Prequel

The first official trailer for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, the prequel to the Alien film Scott first directed in 1979 has arrived! For more information on the movie itself, click here for my previous post on the subject.

The trailer has some eerie music reminiscent of the blaring klaxons that echoed throughout the Nostromo as Ripley made her way to the shuttle. You also get some glimpses of the Space Jockey’s ship, which was the whole reason the Nostromo crew set down on the planet to begin with.

Interestingly enough, the tagline appears to have changed. It’s no longer “In Space, Something Can Hear You Scream.” It’s now, “They Went Looking for Our Beginning. What They Found Could Be Our End.”

Anyway, enough of my rambling. (Can you tell I’m excited?) Here’s the trailer.

In New Hampshire: Marriage Equality Advocates Fight Back

Yesterday, I posted about the ads currently being circulated in New Hampshire by conservatives who are trying to repeal the marriage equality law in their state. Click here to read that post.

Today, marriage equality advocates, Standing Up for New Hampshire Families, have released their own video asking New Hampshire voters not to take away the right to marriage equality.

As they say in the video, “Freedom is for everyone. Every. Single. Person.”

Coming Out on Christmas Videos

Every year, gay men and women everywhere contemplate coming out to their family during the holidays. For many, the struggle is difficult and often heart wrenching as they wrestle with the consequences of letting the horses out of the barn. So for those people considering coming out, here are some videos to lighten your mood and to let you know that many of us have been there. For all my straight friends, enjoy!

The first video is from Funny or Die, and the main character is in for quite a surprise when she comes out to her family.

The second video is the London Gay Men Chorus singing about coming out to their families.



Watch The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

The Dark Knight Rises is currently set to release in June 2012. This movie, once again starring Christian Bale as Batman, occurs almost ten years after the conclusion of the previous movie The Dark Knight.

This time, Batman battles Bane. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Batman mythos as told through the comic books, Bane is the character who broke Batman’s back and basically put him out of commission for awhile. Since the movie’s teaser is “The Legend Ends,” it has me wondering whether or not Batman will be walking after the movie’s end.

Also set to appear in the movie is Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. I find Hathaway’s casting a tad peculiar, but I’ll likely watch this movie anyway. I’m a big Batman fan, after all!


Video Response to Perry’s Anti-Gay Ad

Yesterday, I posted about Rick Perry’s new anti-gay, anti-Obama, and pro-school prayer ad that began airing in Iowa. Click here to read that post.

Today, a new video has been released by the Second City Network on YouTube. In it, a godless heathen makes some interesting claims about Perry and his prejudiced ilk.

(video via Towleroad)

Perry’s New Anti-Gay Ad

Rick Perry released a new ad today in Iowa to try and drum up more supporters for his Republican Presidential nod. Although recent polls show Newt Gingrich in first place (who saw that one coming?), Perry no doubt believes his attacks against homosexuals, Obama, and public school prayer will help him win some votes among the extremely conservative.

In the ad, Perry promises to “end Obama’s war on religion” and “fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage.”

Once again, Perry has things bass ackwards. No war against religion exists. The religious fundamentalists are simply ticked that they aren’t getting their way–that their versions of morality aren’t adopted by the nation as a whole.

Perry says in his video “faith once made America strong,” but he forgets that faith wasn’t prescribed upon the country’s founding for a reason.

(video via ThinkProgress)