Marriage Equality Promos in Maine

A new marriage equality campaign starts in Maine tomorrow. As reported on Towleroad, the campaign is “Timed to run around Thanksgiving, when families gather around the table and in front of the television, the first 30-second ad features a close shot of an elderly Catholic couple from rural Maine who have been married 42 years, describing the journey they took to accept that one of their daughters is a lesbian…A second 30-second ad features a self-identified conservative United Methodist Church minister, wearing his religious collar, and his wife as they talk about how they ‘really struggled through this issue.'”

Maine is being targeted for these ads because the state will likely once again be dealing with the issue of gay marriage in 2012.

“Instead of being preachy, the ads aim to empathize with the ‘journey’ voters are taking as they try to sort out their conflicted feelings about same-sex marriage,” which was reported in the San Francisco Chronicle.

The advertisers in Maine are trying to learn from the mistakes made in previous pro-gay marriage campaigns. These ads will reflect the struggles that people undergo as they come to terms with gay marriage. For a majority of the nation, the concept of two men or two women pledging their lives together not only makes them uncomfortable, but it challenges a long-held belief system. By highlighting the struggles of those who have accepted gay marriage, gay marriage proponents in Maine hope to capture the “one-third of Maine voters who are comfortable with civil unions but conflicted about supporting marriage.” 

This approach is brilliant. Life and our opinions are a never ending journey. As humans, we change and evolve over time. We don’t remain static. Showcasing the paths other people have taken on the road to marriage equality will hit closer to home and be far more persuasive than simply preaching about how we all deserve to be equal. As any good debater knows, standing on a soap box only convinces an audience that already agrees with you. Skeptical or neutral audiences need more than an emotional appeal. They need arguments that appeal to their belief and their core values. They should see themselves reflected in the argument. This advertising campaign does that well.

Here are the two promos.

(videos found via Towleroad)

Mister Chase Does Lily Allen’s “F You Very Much”

Awhile back I posted about YouTube performer Mister Chase doing a sign language parody of Katy Perry’s “Last Friday Night.” Click here to read the post and see the video.

Michael Chase does it again with Lily Allen’s “Fuck You” song. In the video Michael fights anti-gay Republicans in a Mario Bros. inspired video game. Enjoy!

Unhate Campaign by Benneton

You may or may not have heard about the Unhate Foundation launched by the United Colors of Benneton. Their purpose is to “contribute to the creation of a new culture of tolerance, [and] to combat hatred,” as stated on their website.

So far, their campaign has caused quite a stir with photos of Pope Benedict engaged in a man to man kiss. That photo has since been removed. However, pictures of President Obama and other world leaders locking lips remain active. Click here to see those pictures still a part of the campaign.

Below is the YouTube video promoting their campaign. Its focus is on what the Unhate Campaign is using to fight hate–love.

(video found via Queerty)

Alien Prequel–“Prometheus”

I’m sure you remember how much of an Alien fan I am from my Sigourney Weaver post a few weeks back. Well, I’ve heard some rumors for some time now about an Alien prequel in the works, and I’ve recently learned those rumors have been confirmed.

Ridley Scott, the director of the original Alien, returns to science fiction with Prometheus (currently slated for release in 2012). The prequel tells the story of how Weyland-Yutani, the company that sent Ripley and her Nostromo crew to the planet in the first film, discovered the aliens. Based on what I’ve read, we will finally learn just who/what was in that original space ship that Dallas, Lambert, and Cain ventured into.

Derelict spaceship from AlienOn the official Prometheus website, Ridley Scott is quoted as saying “the last 8 minutes of the ‘Prometheus’ story evolve into a ‘pretty good DNA of the Alien one.” That promises to be an intense 8 minutes!

Among the cast (as taken from IMDb) are Michael Fassenbender, who played Magneto in X-men: First Class, Charlize Theron of Monster fame, and Noomi Rapace who played Lisbeth Salander in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Here is a trailer of the movie I found on YouTube. It looks to be a hodgepodge of clips, but it’s a good first glimpse. I’ve even heard the movie tagline will be “In space, something can hear you scream,” which is a nice play off the original tagline “In space, no one can hear you scream.”

The only sad news is that Sigourney Weaver will not be making a cameo in the film. 🙁

Video Trailer: Snow White & The Huntsman

I found this trailer for a movie slated to release in summer 2012 called Snow White & The Huntsman. Typically, I’m not a big fan of the fairy tale remakes AKA Red Riding Hood or The Brothers Grimm, both awful movies! But the Snow White redo looks promising. It stars Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen, Kristen Stewart as Snow White, and Chris Hemsworth (AKA Thor) as The Huntsman. Yum!

In this twist, Hemsworth’s Huntsman is ordered by Theron’s Evil Queen to hunt down and kill Kristen Stewart. Um, I mean Kristen Stewart’s Snow White. Naturally, The Huntsman falls for Snow White and ends up trying to protect her from The Evil Queen.  (Synopsis provided by IMDb).

I don’t know about you, but the thought of being saved from evil by Thor, er, I mean the Hunky Huntsman is my idea of a must see. For those with different, um, thoughts, the trailer highlights some cool special effects–the Magic Mirror for one looks cool.

Here’s the trailer. Let me know what you think. I also posted some movie posters after the video.

Immortals is Coming

Like many of you, I can’t wait to see Immortals, which hits theaters this weekend. In case you’ve lived under a rock and have no idea what I’m talking about, this movie is about a mortal man named Theseus who is chosen by Zeus to stop Hyperion from rampaging through Greece. (synopsis courtesy of IMDb). The movie promises to not only deliver gobs and gobs of man candy, but it claims to also be packed with great action sequences. This is my kind of movie!

Here’s one fight scene I found thanks to Pink is the new Blog.

Hopefully, I can talk the hubby into taking me to see it this weekend.

Lady Gaga to Create Anti-Bullying Foundation

Lady Gaga’s song “Born This Way” became an anthem for self-acceptance and loving one’s self despite adversity or prejudice. Her lyrics remind us all that we were all created by God, and that He made us exactly the people we were to be, no matter our race or sexual orientation.

Now, Lady Gaga is ready to take her anthem “Born This Way” to the next level, as reported by The Advocate. She will “launch her Born This Way Foundation” where she “will use the title of her hit pro-LGBT anthem and best-selling album as the name of the non-profit that will focus on youth empowerment and ‘issues like self-confidence, well-being, anti-bullying, mentoring and career development.'”

When asked about her hopes for the foundation, Lady Gaga said, “Together we [including her mother, Cynthia Germanotta] hope to establish a standard of Bravery and Kindness, as well as a community worldwide that protects and nurtures others in the face of bullying and abandonment.”

These are the types of stories I love to see. When entertainers, politicians, or anyone else in the limelight uses their influence to truly make a difference, everyone benefits. Lady Gaga isn’t attacking religious fundamentalists or Republicans. She isn’t launching a smear campaign against those she disagrees with.

Instead, she is using her fame and her resources to make a difference, to give hope to those who feel abandoned.

My hats off to Lady Gaga and those like her. Such actions by people such as this are worth more than the venom that spews from any hate monger’s mouth. After all, hate and ignorance can’t stand against love and compassion for all.

Here’s the music video for “Born This Way” if you haven’t seen it or would like to see it again.

Andrew Christian’s 7 Deadly Sins

Andrew Christian has some new videos out on YouTube, promoting his new line of underwear. Each video highlights one of the seven deadly sins (perfect for Halloween), and they’re pretty hot. I’m ready to head out and buy some new undies just in time for trick and treating!

If you want to purchase some for you or your man, here’s the link to his website.

My personal favorite is Gluttony.

Envy comes in second

Lust, Vanity, and Greed tie for third

Wrath and Sloth close out the series